Charlie Hebdo Atrocity

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Kirky, Jan 7, 2015.

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  1. interesting that some times you are quite open to looking back into history but other times are not,,, next time you want to indulge you should look at the history ( and even recent ) of the Christian behaviour towards the muslim people, reading your racist and religiously bigoted rants about uncivilised muslims you should consider the 500,000 killed by our heros in Iraq, the 200,000 in the wesrern democratic Christian capitalist supported war being waged in Syria today, and not continually regurgitate the same vile hypocritical sanctiminous sentiments.
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  2. I expect it might be over your horizon , but you really should look very carefully at just who , and maybe stretch your imagination as to why, is benefiting from the radicalisation of a considerably small percentage of the millions of muslims in the world and why people like you are encouraged to rack up the rhetoric and hatered.
  3. That's the argument Islamists use but it is false. We didn't kill people in Iraq because we were culturally offended by Islam, we killed them because Blair and his inner circle concocted false evidence of a threat to national security, mislead Parliament and took us to war on a pack of lies for some bizarre reason of his own.
    The US had sand kicked in its face on Sept 11. Like a disorientated bully unable to get its hands on the real culprit it lashed out at a bystander it had always disliked by way of substitute.
    Either Blair is as megalomaniac and religiously fundamentalist as any mad mullah and wanted to stick it to Islam, or more likely I suspect, he sniffed an opportunity to cover himself in electoral glory in the way his predecessors John Major and Margaret Thatcher had done with their handling of the first Gulf war and the Falklands war respectively. If so such a strategy spectacularly backfired. Both of those were legitimate conflicts within the bounds of international law. Blair who could and should have played the true statesman and exerted a restraining influence on an angry ally and its beleaguered and out of depth leader chose instead to encourage them in a mistaken and criminal war for which he should face justice. It was not a war against Islam it was a war for the advancement of Tony Blair Inc. And we cannot make clear that distinction too often.
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  4. you're not thinking of popping off to Syria soon are you?
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  5. "Offence" is used by bullies as an excuse for pushing their agenda.
  6. Before we go any further could you point me to one of my "racist" or "religiously bigoted" (whatever that means!) rants please.
  7. Please go and live in a closed Muslim society if you think that public beheadings, amputations and stoning are civilised. You spout nonsense.
  8. I accept that we bear a collective responsibility for Blair's crimes because we elected him to office (well, some of us did..) and we could go some way to paying our dues by ensuring that the truth is published and that Blair is held to account, if necessary in an international court if the case can be made. Instead we have an establishment which appears to be protecting one of its own by allowing the delayed publication of the Chilcot Enquiry.
  9. I think it may have become the Socialist Worker, (Surely not a merger..?) which is sold in the street by people in berets who address strangers as "comrade".
  10. I don't think you will be seeing blair or bush in any court,, justice is upheld by the victor, just as history is reported.
  11. Then there is a case for prosecution, but never a case for murder.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Reported or repeated?
  13. you seem to have a knack / abiity of avoiding any issue which does not suit your mantra,,, I did not say that those things are acceptable,, so because you do not find another civilisation / religion/ culture acceptable then that gives you a right to slaughter them willy nilly for centuries,, you some man !!
  14. Is only a small point I know, because they were killed by a much-loved despot and not the "vile" West characterised by some here, but how many Kurdish deaths from gas attacks in Northern Iraq did it take before the West intervened? And what if oil was the driving force? Most people here would have been complaining bitterly if the lights went off and they couldn't heat their homes, or fill their Ducatis if the oil supplies were cut off. There's nothing wrong with self interest. It's what drives individuals and states, and long may it continue - restrained by democracy of course. I love Churchill's quote about capitalist democracy: "it's the worst system we have - apart from all the others". Brilliant!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. if you repeat / report the same lie often and loud enough then sooner or later it will be accepted as the you know..
  16. I think therein you have said quite enough to clarify your acceptance of the slaughter of a million people,, i expect that you do know that it was rumsfield who sold the gas which was used on the kurds,, funny to see your love of the kurds when it suits you but not a problem funding ISIS who are currently trying to slaughter them,,, just more of your inconsistent vile rhetoric.
  17. Like Nazi politics and culture for example? Did that deserve respect. If they'd stayed within their own boundaries and slaughtered Jews should we have sat on our hands, you silly man? If someone is wrong, they are wrong and we would be wrong not to admit it and confront their wrongdoing. We did so in Srebrenica to PROTECT Muslims against the Christian Serbs. Selective memory my friend, or ignorance of the facts. Which is it?
  18. What are you talking about? Who do you think is funding ISIS??
  19. what self dillusion is this,, do you really think that the west invaded Iraq because sadam gassed the kurds with the gas that we had sold him,,,, please
  20. are you kidding,, i thot you put your self forward as an educated journalist ( if somewhat embedded ) , and you don't know who funds ISIS .
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