Bashed a bit more metal in the garage, this frame is taking an age with being ill over Christmas, coming along nicely now though, will have to be texting @rcv4 in a week or two to get it over to Hull for stage 2 of the welding
Black visors arrived from Motorcycle Helmets, Helmet Visors & Pinlock Antifog Inserts - lid on the left was a nitro I picked up from J&S in Watford on offer. Not an expensive helmet but really good - ideal for use on the cub, or in my mates caterham. If you have a nice lid you want to keep for good weather these nitros are excellent helmets. Frankly they are great if you just fancy a new lid.
Todays top tip:- CD cases of bands your wife hates, make great hiding places for porn dvds. - that is, until she gives them to the local church "Bring & Buy Sale"
I've been taking an evening course training as an Electrician and today I did my first install for a mate: a bathroom extractor fan that comes on with the light switch but stays on 20 mins after you turn the light off... "So how's it powered" I hear you ask? That's today's quiz question
20 mins, what goes on in there where you need it on for an extra 20 mins.that would get on your nerves during the night when someone switches the light on just to have a wee
a cleaver guy could come up with a generator powered by the water pressure to charge a little battery. get the water company to pay the bills for a change.
My mate's house has a terrible damp problem, and this is just one of the things a specialist suggested would help. Not sure that it will mind you! The timer is adjustable, and it's not that noisy at all, but agreed - wouldn't be turning the light on for the midnight pee...