Charlie Hebdo Atrocity

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Kirky, Jan 7, 2015.

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  1. How many more times? The solution is for muslims to leave islam and become ex-muslims. The government (and any other person of goodwill) should be offering them encouragement and welcome, support and protection. Then the many thousands of ex-muslims would gradually become millions and tens of millions ... problem solved! A good time to make a start would be today. But no, the government is still in denial.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  2. gawd pete, that's the desired out come, in plain English. how?.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. I was wondering how too

    Will it be good to set up refugee homes here in the UK for ex Muslims
    Where do you start
    • Agree Agree x 2
  4. And that's bollox in the 21st century as we've all witnessed!
  5. That's not true.
  6. No but you're sleepwalking into a situation in which one will be imposed upon you. Make no mistake!! You, as a woman, have so much more to lose than me. Wake up please. I understand that women are far more empathetic than men but this is one time when a bit of selfishness is called for!
  7. so this great western world , this superior culture, this civilised Christian religion,,, what do we do,,, we rob and steal the oil from mostly muslim countries,, we over tax it to a position where it is among the most expensive in the world,, we then spend the tax on guns to protect ourselves from those that we have stolen from,,,,,, then blame those who resist...
    thing is,, this has been going on for centuries, same looting raping murdering and plundering, just a different spoil,, but it was never a domestic problem because those who resisted were thousands of miles away , we never heard of them , they were not a threat our "civilised " sensabilities and on our streets,, well now a days the resistors are on our streets...

  8. I have my arsenal of weapons and I'm head of my household and I will protect what's mine so bring it on
    I will be the defiant one so far no man has owned me and never will
    • Like Like x 2
  9. Please go and live somewhere else if you despise your own country so much. I loathe people like you for their hypocrisy. You enjoy the benefits of living in the west while criticising it all of the time. Please leave!
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Gawd I thought you were talking to me then phew :-O
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. Sorry!
  12. The world is geared up for you
    You don't need me to defend you :)
  13. I don't despise my country , but I despise many aspects of yours.. and you wonder why we want rid of you,,,:Banghead:
  14. Just leave. Walk out of the door. You're not wanted any more ... Form of political party that reflects your views, get elected and change things ... Until then shut the f*** up please. You have no widespread support and until you can demonstrate the opposite you will remain a voice in the wilderness - and rightly so because you are a pseudo intellectual.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  15. Fortunately for those who are not hard of thinking the "we" you speak of are in the minority - by quite a long chalk.
  16. You can stay, on this thread and in this country :) but you will anyway ;)
    • Like Like x 1
  17. Please help me ... I made the mistake of engaging with the empty vessel otherwise known as TTtonup ... arrrrrgh!
    #1559 Speed_Triple, Jan 23, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2015
  18. well that may be,, but you and your ilk will continue to flounder in your cesspit with your Andy Cap mentality and your Ghenghis Khan attitude until you have drowned your selfs. and those who drive you will not even thank you,,, goodbye.
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