seems to me you are the one making all the noise, 1562 posts of mostly dross !! enjoy,, while you still can
I did make that mistake one or twice, he is not of this Earth, cannot be reasoned with, doesn't do humour, won't do sensible reasoned discussion, loves Putin even after his Ukraine atrocities. Sad all that was left for him was ignore unfortunately.
Not before the socialist utopia envisaged by Merkel et al fails. I'm convinced that we are beginning to see the unravelling of the ill-conceived project that was the EU. What say you Mr Trot?
I'm rather sorry that you have a very depressing attitude to this great (though not without fault) country we all live in. I think you may have formed a more balanced outlook if you had spent time outside the UK and experienced other cultures (no I'm not talking about holidays). You're not related to George Galloway are you? If not, you should join the Respect Party! Anyway, I don't want to pick a fight as I think you could do that very well with just yourself in a room. I guess it would be boring if we all held the same view?
Once nice otherwise this thread will be closed, and people will be suspended. You have been warned. AGAIN!
It's quite funny that parties on the far right oppose the EU on the grounds that it's a 'socialist plot', whilst parties on the far left oppose the EU on the grounds that it's a 'capitalist plot'. Meanwhile the EU is actually centrist, as are the vast majority of Europeans.
I don't see how Merkel et al's plans plans for a control-obsessed, centrally governed European Super State can be seen as anything but overly bureaucratic and leftist. It will be like the Soviet Union. But at least within the Germans in charge - which they will be - the trains will run on time.
Good article by Charles Moore in the Telegraph. Greece voting Marxist and crashing out of the Euro will be a blessing in a most unlikely disguise and could bring about an end to the conceit of creating a single European state. A blessing for the rest of us, that is. For Greece itself, recovery will require the immediate sacking of the Marxists after restoring the Drachma and their national sovereignty and the election of a proper government which is politically and economically literate. Unlikely since it was precisely the jam-tomorrow fantasy economics of the left and concomitant corruption which ruined Greece in the first place. The Euro merely sealed the deal, cut off all means of escape and locked the country into a cycle of perpetual ruin. Yet a majority of Greeks still believe salvation lies in an unholy alliance of Marxist economic illiteracy and Euro membership. And of course the EU ideologues will see Greece immolated before they abandon the construction of their tower of Babel. The end will come but in true European tradition it will be as messy as possible.
I vaguely recall we had a thread, started by you IIRC, as to what constitutes right and left, I don't think we reached any real consensus.
I don't care whether the EU is right, left or centre. It is anti-democratic, authoritarian, corrupt and economically and culturally destructive. It is a misconceived relic of a past age which serves no useful purpose. The sooner it is gone the better.