well first of all i aint on face book and nor would i share other peoples thoughts on it, i like to base my opinions on what i see and hear for myself. i get where @TTonup is coming from i think i am right in saying @749er is saying the same, to get a grip of this situation your gonna have to accept how we got in to this situation. i don't think many would disagree that the usa in the last and this century and Brittan and other European country's for a lot longer have been meddling where we shouldn't, in the name of progress, who's progress? i think a large group of Scots take a different view on the meaning of progress. my bets most of the world didn't really give a monkeys before but now we are getting isolated attacks on our own streets people are starting to take notice. unfortunately with a media of which many are suspicious of their motives fanning the fire, yet appear to say little (to the main stream)on how we got there in the first place. so getting back to the minority' angle of approach to the terrorist's, i personally feel for a very long time it's been government policy and who ever their pay masters are that's causing this problem. for many Scots, 45% and rising at the last count believe westminster and there ilk are the problem, nothing i have said here is gonna solve these issues but i haven't seen any solutions put forward by any one else. mostly telling what every one already knows. so again what do we do to end this. i dont think civil war is the answer.maybe i am reading to much into it but that's where 90% of the conversation is taking us.
How was the boiled egg, fin? Was the toast nice and crisp or did you burn it slightly? I won't argue against anyone who says that the amount of meddling that the West has undertaken, historically and recently, has given radical Muslims a sense of purpose. However, giving up on the principle of free speech out of a sense of shame or moral responsibility is not the way forward. The Scottish are good inventors, right? Can't they invent a time machine so we can go back and undo the past?
it was grand cheers, there's a knack to making the perfect egg. as for a time machine we tried to turn back time but failed on the 18th of September 2014. but might get it right next.
Hey, fin, we all failed that day. Hopefully the next referendum will include the whole of the UK and you will get the result you, and the English, want.
please let it be so, we hear the anti scottish pitch being put to you by your representatives and at times like this you lap it up. but in our deffence most anyhow are anti westminster. not anti english, big changes coming your/our way all brought about by the Scottish referendum, most of you wanted change, the scotts gave it to you.:Mooning::smile:
What anti-Scottish pitch? I haven't heard a dickie-bird on that. I just want to be able to get a Scottish stamp on my passport when I visit. That would be cool
forget his name but he was stirring it up on friday r4 q.time without quantifying it. ukip fella on q.time thursday without quantifying it, i would love to know what yon tory scum bag said with his back to the camera 3weeks ago on q.time. there's a lot of intelligent but poorly informed people on this forum that where expressing a lot of manipulated facts and figures during the ref campaign,where where they getting their info? one thing for a bumkin to make a sweeping comment completely different for an educated one to express such bull. but i know whats coming "the snp did it too". but maybe for a different day/thread. yip a Scottish pass port would be cool.
Sorry this is a bit off-piste; I think the result should have been accepted by Scotland. Even Salmond said it was a once in a generation opportunity. Now it looks like it's only a matter of time until the next one. What will this do to international businesses looking to invest in Scotland? I believe it's best for all, that we stay united but the SNP will proceed to rip us apart and if they form the next coalition with Labour, it will be an absolute mess and we'll all be wanting Scottish independence just to take away the poison.
forget his name but he was stirring it up on friday r4 q.time without quantifying it. ukip fella on q.time thursday without quantifying it, i would love to know what yon tory scum bag said with his back to the camera 3weeks ago on q.time. there's a lot of intelligent but poorly informed people on this forum that where expressing a lot of manipulated facts and figures during the ref campaign,where where they getting their info? one thing for a bumkin to make a sweeping comment completely different for an educated one to express such bull. but i know whats coming "the snp did it too". but maybe for a different day/thread. yip a Scottish pass port would be cool.
I take your point if you're stood on the other side of the fence, but I'm absolutely sick of being told we should have taken our medicine and gone quietly back to doing what we're told. The fact that the country may get worse before it gets better won't be down to the pro independent movement. It because as fin keeps rightly saying, Westminster is perceived to mismanage our affairs. Now, I'm sure we can have a great game of ping pong about the why's and wherefores as has already been done to death, but people vote on their perception of how either they are being managed or treated. The SNP look likely to upset the applecart in the next election and their support is rising, because the majority perceive we were sold a dummy. And the more we're told to get on with it, I think you'll see the support grow.
I understand your position and if I lived in Scotland (my father's side of the family) am sure I would feel Westminster was a long way away and looking in the other direction. But how would the Oil revenue, EU membership applicaton and currency issues have panned out? I think Alistair Darling had it about right and Scotland made the right decision.
I'll just put my Pete hat on. Can you please define your use of the word "extremist" here? Do you mean devout or do you mean murderous? Most Muslims I'm sure are the former and not the latter. Who has been saying otherwise?
But do you think most 'law abiding Muslims' actually think the journalists at Charlie Hebdo got was coming, particularly the Editor? The only Muslim I talked to certainly did...