Charlie Hebdo Atrocity

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Kirky, Jan 7, 2015.

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  1. Being cowed by a bully has the same result because they will believe they are in the right and that alone empowers them. You're very dangerous Ducbird! Haven't you seen the video of those poor guys being beheaded in the desert - one if whom was a working journalist who had never 'insulted' Islam? Are you really saying that will stop if people stop drawing cartoons of the Prophet. If only foreign policy were so simple. Ever thought of joining the diplomatic corps?
  2. I love your naivety. So sweet. That's the closest I will come to an insult though!

    I'm not a politician. It's not my job to put answers before the electorate - just to help them come to their own conclusions by asking questions on behalf of those whose voice may not otherwise be heard.

    As a democrat, I elect my fellow citizens to make laws, as did the Charlie cartoonists. I don't have to take any notice of a bunch of theocrats living in a desert whose moral code, such as it is, was formed in an era many hundreds of times less enlightened than our own.
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  3. I don't know what the answer is
    I'm just saying what I see that's not saying how it should be
    I see we don't all think the same way
    Im always dangerous I'm a woman (I'm always saying that)

    Being cowed by a bully does at some time become enough and you retaliate

    I think Charlie Hebdo were bullies in their own right and used free speech to hide behind
    Bullying happens in all different forms

    Do you think I would do a good job in the diplomatic corps?
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Disagree Disagree x 2
  4. Well you'd bring to the table a simpler view of world events - which could only be a good thing.

    You misunderstand the nature of satire. The Charlie cartoonists were not bullying anyone. They were standing up to the bullying of the zealots who say everyone had to behave like them. They are they people who safeguard our freedoms. You are obviously not aware that they satirised the Pope etc. he didn't even complain let alone kill anyone!
  5. I could try :)
  6. And what do we do with bullies? We behead them in the desert or we gun them down in their offices.

    Totally proportionate response.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Yeah stop picking on her ya big bully. Or I'll get me mate ttonup to duff you up!
    • Thanks Thanks x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. i fear we are heading down that path again. not sweet but sad. you informed with your first post and have preached and exposed you politics ever since. and i disagree with most of it, sometimes i get the feeling you are doing all you can to refrain from using the term raghead instead of goat herder.if i am wrong which i doubt i apologize.
  9. Apology accepted.

    Oh, you didn't mean me. Sorry!
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Wonder what the punishment is for DB riding a motorcycle without a burka? It won't be pleasant. But in away she is a bully, sticking two fingers up at their culture and beliefs :Nailbiting:
    • Funny Funny x 2
  11. Formulating opinions in total ignorance from a great distance has done little to endear the mad mullahs to me and it does you no favours either Fin.
    • Funny Funny x 1

  12. You won't see me in a burka :)
    I will be the defiant one but I do know my actions bring reactions and I will be wearing my bullet proof vest :)
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  13. Interesting new definition of "bullying".
    It now seems to mean "refusing to submit to censorship".
    Or maybe "publishing cartoons somebody disapproves of".
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. could be a cure for global warming, half the population not allowed to drive, streets would be a lot safer too. where do i sign up.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. Sorry you can't. They are haram for women because their lives are not worth anything.
  16. Though I think the steam coming from the top of speed triple's head would counter- balance that!
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  17. Sorry I can my life is worth everything
  18. Just trying to make you realise the cartoons were nothing short of a bit of humour and what you do in life would equally insult them. The image of Mohamed has been shown in religious Muslim teachings and paintings throughout history, it is a recent 'thing' for it to be against the Koran and only a twisted interpretation aimed at giving fuel for terrorism and hatred of the western modern cultures. If CE shouldn't have drawn a few cartoons then you shouldn't do what you do, just saying :Cigar:
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    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  19. Sexism is alive and well north if the border I see!

  20. I think it's bullying that's my opinion
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