I have a pair of s'dry jeans. Good gear, well priced and not bad value IMO, especially from the outlet shop :wink: Wouldn't wear the T's, bit too popular for me.
Was in Superdry and Hollister today in Edinburgh. I've never bought an XL shirt in my life but had to buy 3 in Hollister. The large's were a medium anywhere else. Superdry was similar.... To say we're all supposed to be "clinically obese" nowadays these folk are using the wrong tape measures!!!!
Where have you lot been? Caught in a time warp or something! :biggrin: Superdry is definitely not new and not Japanese, although they often carry Japanese designs their clothes have been on the go since at least 1985 and it is indeed a British owned company. Does nobody here actually use brand name high street stores such as the likes Bank or House of fraser etc? Despite what you might think, sometimes you do get what you pay for..... You don't actually need to follow fashion to wear well made quality clothing and the American inspired figure hugging clothing is not unique to Superdry.
I think you hit the nail on the head there. Superdry is cool because it is figure-hugging. Thus to wear it, you can't be like the staggering majority of overweight people in the UK and US. Hence the kudos! Makes sense, no? So what are the cool brands for fat people?
Sorry meant it looks like American college preppy wear... Was in Essex today.. Well Soufend Every other t shirt was Superdry .. They are rather slim cut! It's obviously the in thing as not a whiff of A&F .. I'm more C&A
Reminds me of the girl who asked the builder why he had letters printed on his wellies. He said it's so I put them on the right way round see, L for left and R for right. Oh I get it, she said, that must be why the label in my knickers says C & A.