I don't think I'm intellectually superior. I just do a job. Anyone can do it if they are trained. A Ducati mechanic may or may not be intellectually superior to you or me - but he sure as hell knows his way round motorbikes made in a certain Italian town. It's his job and you'd expect him too. And, furthermore, I'm sure you would would show him some respect for his knowledge and experience ... I know I would.
Not again!!! Another thread for a slanging match Speedy how about teaching us rather than stirring up
So, I've to show you respect for your knowledge and experience, based on what? All I've ever seen from your posts is that you enjoy picking fights, look down your nose at others and the tone of your posts is readily aggressive (sorry is that your journalistic style?). I don't have a responsibility to every other person on this (let's remember) forum about motorbikes to inform them about premium resin coatings, concrete repairs and shotblasting just because that's what I do, but you appear to have taken up the mantle of forum mind police and its now your mission to keep us muggles up to date. FWIW I do read a newspaper now and again and watch the news, its how I like to keep myself uninformed.... Just my observation mind....
I'll bite my lip for fear of being corrected for my spelling and grammar by a superior being, I'd hate to spell knob incorrectly.
this piece of injustice has been bothering me for a while now. Appin Murder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And just what have this lot done in 5 years just observed over and logged deaths !!! What about getting in there and standing up for these people BBC News - Profile: Syrian Observatory for Human Rights