London Stand Off - Biker Vs Bus

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by zx6ghost, Jan 27, 2015.

  1. NSFW - Bad Bad language

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  2. Nice to have the moral high ground when you are stopped in front of the cycle bay :rolleyes:
  3. I was gonna say say the biker is in the wrong....and even if he was in the right (if it was me id just roll back....)
  4. I assumed he was having a bad day
  5. Yeah - reading between the lines usually when road rage (like those kind of circumstances happen) theres a bit of a personality issue - yeah, the bus driver came out a bit wide, but, WTF, so what...roll back - just common courtesy....
  6. That's a chunk of life I'll never get back.
  7. We all make mistakes, that's life, but the biker was being too much of a dick, this could have turned very nasty without good reason. Sometimes it is good to yield, to help your fellow man.
    • Agree Agree x 3
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  8. Agree,

    I was expecting the Lorry driver who was losing his cool very quickly to drag the biker of the bike or push him over,

    Maybe if the biker and the bystander biker did not clearly have helmet camera's it would of got a lot uglier
    • Agree Agree x 2
  9. I'd have decked the lorry driver straight off.
  10. One wonders why the world is so angry.

    So easy to live and let live. Give a little, take a little.

    • Agree Agree x 2
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  11. You know, you kind of have to live with it for a bit. If you spend all day on the road in London it gets to you after a while, so sometimes you need to let off a bit of steam. I only spent two winters dispatching, but I saw some truly shocking behaviour on the road, and in the two decades or more since then, it's got worse, not better. Nowadays I just throw my arms up in despair, back then I'd have punched the guy's face down his throat.
  12. I Have been commuting into London for 9 years now from Surrey

    and it does not get any easier

    for the first 6 years it was by bike most of the time

    now its only by bike when it has to be

    its shocking what you see almost every day

    only this morning a Van driver decided he was in a hurry overtook a line off cars on the other side of the road around an island which is a big no no in my book
  13. I love it. Yes, 9 time's out of 10 on the bike i'd back up. But that one day when you've had enough my bike would be on it's stand and probably switched off. There's been more than one bus I've hit the emergency engine stop button on the back of before they hid them under the boot cover.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. I've pulled a fat driver through one of the tiny drivers' side windows before now...
    • Funny Funny x 2
  15. 'People blame the biker but the truth is this is very very very bad turning of the bus' priceless, a lot of fuss over nothing, didn't know @Loz wasa despatcher :Hilarious:
  16. Nonsense, Elise. You know a lot of things that simply aren't true :upyeah:

    I on the other hand happen to know that you are a part-time bus driver :Smug:
  17. At least I was in the right :Angelic: and kept calm under tremendous pressure as usual :)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. You are crazier than a shithouse rat, Elise. You do know that, don't you? :D
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