For The Complacent Among You

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Speed_Triple, Jan 28, 2015.

  1. You don't need a God in the mix to be devout and fanatical. Just the conviction that your views are correct and virtuous and must become the universal standard while all counter-views are dangerous heresy and cannot be tolerated.

    Never trust an ist or an ologist trying to spread an ism.
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  2. OK, so your post is just being mischievous. Still, if I may spell it out once more, atheism means not believing in gods. No more and no less. Atheists do not share any other beliefs about anything, nor do they (we) have any policies or processes or institutions, nor enforce anything on anybody.

    Fundamentalists, by contrast, have faith-based fixed beliefs in specific doctrines which are not susceptible to evidence or reason, which are not open to argument of any kind, and which they seek to enforce upon other people against their will.

    "Atheist fundamentalist" ? Is your middle name Oxymoron, or something like it?
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. No more likely that they all fear having to go to the Mosque for bomb making lessons.

    I'm out. :Yawn:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. I'd be interested to see proof of the existence of the plod-like security cars, as I know a lot of Jews who live in the ghettos of North West London and Hertfordshire - probably a total of 20 - and they've never mentioned such a thing to me during our quite wide-ranging discussions. And not one of them is planning to move to Israel because, though they're Jews, they are not Zionists and they like their lives here. Though of course as a last resort that would be their destination. However, one very good Jewish friend has taken up the offer of an American passport because he would feel safer there despite the fact he has cousins in Israel.

    I would also add that as a very law-abiding community they would be loathe to break the law by having private security guards with any sort of weapons - and without them they'd be pretty useless in the face of an Islamic fundamentalist who wanted to harm them.

    I also know Jews who have spread out into the wider community and integrated to the extent that they eschew the traditional practices of their own community, such as circumcision, bar-mitzvahs and bat-mitzvahs, for their own children.
    #184 Speed_Triple, Jan 29, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2015
  5. Er, I think I was careful to include a few ists who belong to isms in my list of fanatics. Or did you read over that bit in your haste to take issue with me?
  6. All right, all muslims are not the same in the sense that there are different individuals and different sects which vary. But if the word "muslim" is to have any meaning, muslims must surely have something in common. It is not lazy, simplistic or bigoted to consider and discuss what it is exactly that all muslims have in common (not including ex-muslims, obviously).

    So try this for size. All muslims have in common that they believe and accept that the Koran is the word of god - if they don't believe that, they are not muslims. We can take a look at what the Koran says and form our own judgements about the ethical or unethical nature of the doctrines it sets out. So are you suggesting doing that is "bigoted"?
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. The calm voice of reason prevails. Thank you Pete.
  8. Try exactly the same with Christians and The Bible? It would be clearly nonsense to suggest that you could treat the entire population of Christians as a homogeneous mass. There are (many) Christian fundamentalists whose views and outlook bare very little relation to the mainstream, despite them theoretically following a common text. It would be lazy to assume that their thoughts and principles were the same. And bigoted, from the point of view of being unfair to treat that population en masse, yes.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Not if you don't understand it, and whatever understanding you believe you have is from random webpages posted by random unknowns who also have absolutely no idea.
  10. The operation was a success then?
  11. No just Joe Bloggs Average Moron.

    * Oh don?t you????
  12. So what do you mean by the word "christian"? How do you distinguish christians from non-christians? Do you not have some criteria which can be applied to individuals from various sects (be they fundamentalists, mainstream, or whatever) so that you can work out whether to refer to them as christians or not?

    You seem to be saying that referring to a category of people as christians, and thus distinguishing them from non-christians, is bigoted. If that is your view (is it?) perhaps you and I have different understandings of what "bigoted" means.
  13. OK. The topic under discussion was (allegedly 'fundamentalist') atheism. If you want to move on and begin discussing humanism feel free. But not all atheists are humanists and not all humanists are atheists.
  14. We would be discussing the validity of Christian tenets, however, were they to include - in the modern era - beheadings, stoning and amputations would you not agree? No one is saying, either, the entire population of Muslims should be treated as terrorists but that we should be wary if their tendency to ignore the worst excesses of their religion because - at the end if the day - they themselves call themselves Muslims and, therefore, put their religion first, which may not be to the benefit of the wider community.
  15. Is this the same thread that just keeps changing it's name when it gets blocked? :)
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  16. I said before eating silly, kind of proves my point then as I even suggested you learn to read properly...
  17. For clarity:
    (ˈbɪg ə tɪd)

    extremely intolerant of another's creed, belief, or opinion.
    Sound like a friendly Muslim fundamentalist you know?
  18. My comment was in regard to Triple's very strong views, very fundamentalist it could be considered with an atheist slant. Isolationism concerns me with groups and individuals who have outspoken views on any subject. Inclusion to a balanced society would seem difficult for many "groups" (religious, political, economic etc) but is an ideal I would like to think would one day cure the ills of the world.
  19. I will if you learn to write. What on earth are you trying and failing to say?
  20. Have a read...........they have been in existence much longer than this recent publication that I am sure as a journalist you would have seen/read, regardless of the fact it is DM.

    Jewish patrol cars shomrim out in London amid fears of copycat Paris attack | Daily Mail Online

    And they aren't only just where the article says they are.
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