Well stop digging up dross and trying to create you own column then. Its not our fault you have been overlooked for the position of editor a number of times is it?
Wrong again - you're getting good at this! You have no - and can't possibly have any - idea about what I do or did, what my ambitions were and whether or not they were fulfilled - and your ill-judged statement serves as ample proof that assumptions make people look stupid!
No it was not an assumption. It was a comment to make you bite, again. Carry fellow, you will make a columnist one day.
Been there, done that when I was 32. Enjoyed it but moved on to better things. I'd be interested to know your qualifications for judging my professional expertise. I trust you have good reason to feel empowered to mock my ability to earn a living. Just to warn you, you're pursuing a dangerous line here.
Of course, the single biggest client group served by my wife's Learning Disability Team are Bangladeshi Muslims due their insistence on marrying their children to first cousins, so your insult is doubly ironic.
Now you're making assumptions. I abhor all religions, no matter how they are dressed up. It's complacency for the weak minded; those who are unable to question or imagine further than they are told. The reference to sheep and shepherd has always given me a smile!
And clearly neither are you. Still didn't answer the question either... If your happy and you know it clap your hands!
I agree. But society gives some religions credence and even tax breaks and calls others cults. You appeared to decry Scientology, in particular, but I think that it's one of the better ones because it does serve a purpose. It's so barmy that it's a rich source of comedy. Have you seen the hilarious 'Tom Cruise' South Park episode?
Scientology is one of the more dangerous ones - go and read some articles on those who have dared to "escape" the cult and see if you think it's still a source of comedy after. Former Scientologist exposes church’s brutal child labor camp - NY Daily News The question on tax breaks is apropos of why we still allow alcohol or tobacco sales when both cost the NHS billions a year in treating the effects.
Agreed. It was a cheap shot. Also agree about the NHS - but it's dangerous. Bike accidents cost the NHS a lot too!! They could be banned as their use is marginal and mostly only for pleasure. And do you stop at bikes? Mountaineers hurt themselves and use mountain rescue teams, as do hikers. Shall we ban them for costing society money? Also alcohol and tobacco taxes more than pay for the NHS, apparently.
My qualifications for commenting on your professional expertise are that I am one of the paying public, ie your desired audience. Now if you want me to be part of the old boys self congratulatory team I am afraid I am not. If you feel critique of your material published here is unfair I would be very concerned. Is not mockery, as you perceive it, fair nowadays?
Criticising material is fine. Vicious personal insults directed at me - and my wife - as to my fitness as a human being to comment or analyse in the first place, I draw the line at. And sarcastic comments such as "keep going, you'll make a columnist one" day, made in ignorance, merely betray your own inferiority complex, which may be richly deserved for all I know, but is best kept under wraps.
Dear me, you are likening yourself to a unfairly critcised religion it could be said. can you not rise above sarcasm, or does that ring your bell? It is very obvious I am inferior to yourself, and you feel you have the right to threaten - Quote Triple: "I trust you have good reason to feel empowered to mock my ability to earn a living. Just to warn you, you're pursuing a dangerous line here." Dangerous??????? likely to harm or kill someone, or to damage or destroy something a dangerous dog a dangerous stretch of road Air pollution has reached dangerous levels in some cities. highly dangerous: an exciting but highly dangerous sport potentially dangerous: Children are taught to avoid potentially dangerous situations. dangerous to: It is not yet known whether these chemicals are dangerous to humans. it is dangerous (for someone) to do something: It’s dangerous to walk around here on your own at night. Synonyms and related words Dangerous or harmful: dangerous, harmful, disastrous, damaging, risky, hazardous, unsafe, ruinous, perilous, injurious... More likely to have a bad effect or to cause a problem Mr Ashley is playing a dangerous game, pretending to support both parties. it is dangerous (for someone) to do something: It is extremely dangerous for you to get involved in this. a dangerous precedent (=a decision that others will follow and that will cause problems): The sacking of Mr Nolan could set a dangerous precedent. Which is your prefered definition?
DAMAGING - in that it would damage your case and make you look rather foolish if I sent you my provable CV. Sarcasm doesn't bother me and can be very funny but your attempt was very lame - particularly as I have been employed in the capacity you urged me aspire to.