Tattoos and piercings

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Cooknick, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. Is that you on the bog Lol....
  2. We're not rich enough for a leather bog seat!!!
  3. I am :)
  4. Now we need pics of you too to prove it. :tongue:
  5. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1345413210.224147.jpg

    There ya go :)


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  6. thing is, I haven't been able to find any link or reference so you're just guessing in the dark buddy :wink:
  7. I want my tragus doing next I've heard the stories of the pain and it sounds like squeaky polystyrene when the needle goes in but I'm not shy when it comes to piercings so it doesn't freak me out, when i had my v.c.h done i couldn't feel a thing apart from when the chick was rubbing it with the antiseptic! Ooooh la la!! I'd have it done again just for that pleasure lmao!! I'd have my tongue and above my lip done if they weren't so strict at work! Had girls at work who have gone and had tongue and facial piercings and had to have them taken out, don't fancy a disciplinary at work just for piercings plus tbh it's not ideal with my position anyhow ! They are also funny about tattoos too, miserable caaaahhhhnnnnttts!!
  8. If we're talking pingpong balls, they're easy, try it with a rugby ball , oh no sorry that's giving birth, as if I could ever forget :)
  9. Even vigorous exercise consumes a depressingly small number of calories so losing weight comes primarily from eating less, exercise should be secondary. Vigorous exercise also tends to make us hungry so it is easy to raid the fridge afterwards, which defeats the object if it is weight loss. Fat burns in a carbohydrate flame so eat small amounts of carbohydrate (slow release such as oatcakes) whilst doing lots of low energy / aerobic exercise, gentle cycling, swimming or just walking is ideal. High intensity exercise builds muscle, it doesn't burn fat. And drink lots of water.
  10. The best way of losing weight and getting in shape is diet AND exercise!
    Forget the word "diet" to mean pain, hunger and reduced food intake. It's not quantity it's quality (to a point clearly, before the pedants start!). If you're hungry after a workout, you should eat! Just not a kebab and a bag of Minstrels!

    Not all calories are the same...
    A 100 calories of lard/chocolate is NOT the same as a 100 calories of quality protein or complex carbs. Your body will process/treat them differently! Make your calories work for you.

    Victorious exercise does not always build muscle.
    2 hours weights, with proper diet- yes.
    2 hours cycling - More likely to burn fat and get you leaner. Most bodybuilder types avoid cardio for this very reason.

    I could go on and on....:rolleyes:

    Good luck with whatever method you choose.
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  11. Time to crack out Ms Martinez, I think :wink:


    #151 Loz, Aug 20, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
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  12. Seen it before but always worth another look :upyeah:
  13. This thread is getting grimmer and grimmer. It's been through the "readers' wives" phase and is surely heading down the internet porn route...

    Soon will be one of those things that you have to remember to wipe off your history....! :eek:
    • Like Like x 2
  14. Sorry Glid I'll remove it if you want ??
  15. No worries! I don't have to read it, do I? :smile:
  16. sensible approach :upyeah:
  17. The only time I`ve had to clear the history was when I strayed onto a Jap il4 forum. Oh the shame, the shame of it :wink:.

    I`ve a couple of tattoos and an earring, lead a sheltered life compared to these guys :eek:

    Wild And Extreme Body Modifications - Unfinished Man
  18. I have a King Richard instead of a Prince Albert.....................

    It's a Mole wrench clamped on my willy.............Hence KING DICK.......Toolmakers............See what I did there?

  19. You'd struggle to get your lid on with some of those "alterations" :biggrin:

    I have a King Edward...............oh the shame :frown:
  20. There, helmet and alterations in the same sentence, much more in keeping with the theme of this thread. If its a purple one then all the better, I thunk.

    God, I love the double entendre :biggrin:.
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