This place is normally nice and friendly, people talk about Ducati's and all other sorts of stuff, but why do one or two people need to push their own agendas and cause strife? They hide their deep rooted hatred in the guise of free debate - it really is beyond me.
We all like a good arguement,a bit of banter.It can be good entertainment when people disagree and put their points forward.There is ,however, a line.This line is policed by some Northern gimp,and though it pains me to say,I think he is right in the job he is doing.Please dont tell him though!
It really is quite sad when when some people resort to (written) verbal GBH and can't seem to let go either. This phenomenon though was observed many many moons ago by a man who went by the name of Socrates who quoted: "When debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser"
Hang on, is that a personal insult? You cant do that, The Frozen One will ban you for that. He has previous you know....
Does he ban, he said he didn't he said he suspends. How long is a suspension is it permanent cos then it's a ban. I really miss some peoples drivel thought it was right larf