after several years of will i wont i ,i finally bought one, pick it up Saturday ..2014 1200 s touring their demo bike ....bye bye my lovely 1000 multi they took her in part ex i think i got a bargain to be honest ,,winter deal so excited .. last time is was this excited was when i saw my neighbours daughter have her towel pulled off her by her pet dog when i was round having a beer with her dad (she is about 22 ) i spat me tea out everywhere god she is Fit !
:smile: Good man you know it makes total sense! Great choice enjoy the ride and long live the "excitement" All you have to hope now, is that it is red, so you don't incur the wrath of 'Duc-Bird' afraid, be very.........:Bag:
Oooo did someone call Hello and welcome to the wonderful mad house It is red yes?! I see you have met the inmates Mad as a box of frogs
Ducati's were always Silver or Yellow? Never red FFS :Rage::Rage::Rage::Rage::Rage::Rage::Rage::Rage: What the hell has it not being a Ducati to do with it, you fashionista victim you
PFB it's definitely worth getting a charger in my opinion, although that's not entirely shared by the forum, but not necessarily a Ducati one. I'd suggest going for an Optimate, which I swear by having used them now for over 10 years, they've never failed me and look after the battery perfectly. With an Optimate you can connect up the plug-in socket to the battery directly and then feed the connector out underneath the rear sub-frame leaving it exposed ready to use as and when needed. The connector also has a protective rubber cap to slot over the connector when riding so that no water or other crap can get in. Over to you, good luck with your choice. And before any smart-alec here asks, no I am not on royalties from Optimate..........:Facepalm:
Enough about the bike ....... Tell us more about the girl getting the towel ripped off by the dog ...... Pwarrrrrrr !