1199 1199s Full System

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by Cupid Stunt, Feb 10, 2015.

  1. Who has a full Termi system fitted on their 1199/1199s, I am curious as to what sort of mileage you are getting with full system and no I am not worried about cost of filling up just if I plan a longish journey do I need to plan via petrol stations, I currently get 100 miles from full till reserve light comes on.
    Have you had any issues with them melting the fairing?
  2. Buy a fridge :)
  3. Had full system on from new , mileage about the same not that it was a concern , ride it steady had 118 when light on first showing , no probs with melting had pipe fitted by dealer got spacers in , mint sound , cracks n bangs on over run and when up shifting , bike just been part ex for new 1299 , roll on April
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  4. Cheers Stu for the info, I have free termi slipons with my 1199 and was wondering if it was worth paying the extra £950 to upgrade to full system oh and plus fitting charge.
    I have been running mine in and only getting 102 miles from full tank to reserve light coming on.
  5. what about the akro, more power,
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  6. Depends how you riding it , seems about what I get ( good pace ) , try keeping it in a higher gear you don't need to rev it so high with full system on , talking about road use here like , seems to be less thirsty you you adopt that method , had 10,000 miles on mine
  7. Got termi slip ons with bike can I fit the Akro system to the termi cans?
  8. They reckon for the 1299 when fitted with a Akra system bhp goes up 7% , so that's from 205 to 221 by my reckoning crank figures
  9. I have been ri
    ding it easy I have been running it in, less than 6k revs and literally as soon as I pull away I am in 3rd within seconds to keep revs down. Maybe being able to breathe better has helped you get a few extra miles out of it.
  10. I think the 1199 is 6hp crank or so I saw written somewhere.
  11. Dunno about that mate , I would doubt it
  12. There was a thread on here where someone had mated Pipes from one manufacturer to cans from another manufacturer with no extra add ons or grinding or anything but can't remember if that was 1199 or another Ducati model.
  13. Had a BMC filter on mine as well , could here it roaring the air through it when rippin on
  14. I had full system on my old 848 evo and yeah can't fault it, the sound and the performance difference.
    Oh and congrats on 1299 bet your itching to take delivery.
  15. Hey Jimmy you should be over on the DARK SIDE bmw seeing as you sold your Pani , ha , sore your bike in Coopers yesterday , ( stone chipped ta Fck ) ha
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  16. I mate can't wait , sounds a belter , was very happy with other one but the BIG service was looming and 3rd year warranty was expiring in May so time to change for newer model
  17. I am actually intending to keep my Pani for a long time, so might have to go down the road of full termi system, It comes with air filter and up map anyway :)
  18. Get it on mate , sounds amazing deeper than slips , akra's more boomy sounds good to though , performance wise all I know is hang the fuck on
  19. The thing scares the shit out of me already gave it a bit of throttle after 600 miles in 2nd and thought whoa WTF :)
  20. how much you got as a p/x? you happy with the deal? toying with the same idea but dont wanna be stitched up
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