I agree with you Figaro. As the current batch of super-naked shows, there is no reason to neuter unfaired bikes. Unfortunately the prettiest engines tend to be air-cooled. As ever its down to the customisers to match looks with power. The manufacturers don't seem able to pull it off cost-effectively.
Beauty in the eye of the beholder I guess a better photo would certainly help. Still not the best it certainly looks better with some clothes on.
I'm more a two stroke enthusiast, this is my dream motorcycle. Honda RS 250 RW. I like the NX5 model too
I would have to go with this. I learned about independence, freedom, motorcycling and most of all..... What hire purchase really meant to my apprentice wages. £16 per week. £8 board £7 HP. good old days eh!
Let's put that into context, shall we? "Best looking of all bikes". What thread did you think you were posting on?
These were quicker and the gearbox was the right way up. I had an AP and a FS1E. Both were better without the front frame tubes. Easier to get the head and barrel off when it seized. Regular job.
The Ap was defiantly the best bike of the 2 Far better put together. But the Fizzy still holds my heart I had 4 of them I put a 100 dx engine in 1 of them
dude it's not often your right but your wrong again ss50 oozed class :smile: and as for the fugly boniest bike on my drive the noo.
The SS was a ditch pump, and not a very powerful one at that. My nan's tartan shopping basket on wheels had more poke.