1098 I Really Really Really Want This.....

Discussion in '848 / 1098 / 1198' started by d8mok, Feb 1, 2015.

  1. Looks like someone bought it...
  2. Not me. Wish I could justify/afford it as well but no hope of that.
  3. Id look at post 8 again and re think buying a R model d8mok.Unless you plan on a keeper then just relax and ride the arse of the thing.

    The only bad thing about buying any ltd edition ducati imho is all the folks out there that simply never ride the things meaning these are usually the sought after bikes when they come up for sale.I posted a link to a nice 1098R on this forum and was shocked when another owner mentioned it was high mileage.It had 11k on the clock ffs.Ive been told high mileage (average mileage on other marques) can make the above bikes more difficult to sell.Lets face it if someone puts a 1098R with 20,000 mls for sale on this forum who would be interested in buying it.I would but I bet 90% on here would run a mile.

    The great thing is if you plan on keeping them long term, regular use keeps them far more reliable and cheaper to run.At least I have found this with my 916sps that has 34,000 mls on the clock now.Another member purchased another 998R after putting 50,000 miles on the one he already owned.On the down side they will not fetch as much money as one with say 2,000 mls on the clock or maybe not sell at all due to the nervous buyers that think they will grenade themselves once over 10,000 miles lol.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Very good points there Matt and i would agree as we have seen many a limited edition bikes through the years as garage queens due to the nature of devaluing the bike if ridden as it was meant to. Very few owners we know with these beauties rack up more than 6k miles over 5 year period.
  5. Very good points there Matt and i would agree as we have seen many a limited edition bikes through the years as garage queens due to the nature of devaluing the bike if ridden as it was meant to. Very few owners we know with these beauties rack up more than 6k miles over 5 year period.
  6. Mileage imho can also come down to how many toys you have in the man cave , generally the people who can afford ltd edition bikes ( r's for example ) normally have access to more than one toy
  7. Whatever the reason its bad news for those that like to ride bikes.Hense who would really recommend a SPS/R edition ducati unless its a long term keeper or garage queen investment .The really sad thing is the first reply that 998R owner got was why would you use that bike everyday and clock up 50,000 mls.He even commuted on it.My thought was wtf is wrong with thse people and why the fuck wouldn't you.

    Only reason I could think of is compared to all the high value garage queen SPS/R bikes out there your high mileage SPS/R will probably hold the same value as a piece of dog turd lol come sale time.If you can find anyone to buy it as they will all be spooked by all the "over 10,000 miles are you mad" brigade.

    However all is not lost as if you don't really give a toss about investments and love riding they are fine bikes and with time the decision to ride em makes more sense.Ive worked out after 8 yrs ownership mine hasnt cost that much even if i have incurred more depreciation due to higher mileage.I don't care if ultra low mile bikes fetch silly money come sale time as ive had the enjoyment of riding all these yrs.That my ducati friends is quite frankly priceless to me.
    #27 matt#corse, Feb 18, 2015
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2015
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