Well spent around 2 hours on the bike this afternoon and now clocked up 530 miles, really enjoying it. Looking forward to using the full rev range soon
You obviously don't live in an area where the roads are still full of winter salt & it's 5 degrees outside, if so, well done. I come out to play in April.
I got to 630 miles last weekend and had bike serviced during the week, took it out today left home 11ish and got back 3:30 had about 8/9 degrees was nice to get out, I gave it some beans in 3rd shit me it scared the life out of me.
Just wait till you are past the 1000 mile mark and you can really give it some, its a different machines at 9000rpm in 4th, youll need strong arms to stay on!!
Thats about the size of it nice1myson, I was a bit cheesed off with a Ducati 1980 Tricolore breaking down all the time so went to BMW and got a few S1000RR's for a few years, but felt like I was missing out, came back just in time for the 1199 and am now happy again, albeit after a few problems.
Yes mate I am, mind you a couple of times when I have opened it up my heart has jumped into my mouth it's got a lot of grunt scary but thoroughly enjoyable
I did manage to give it some in 4th today till the front end went really light, I backed that throttle off pretty sharpish.
The drive. Luxury! I'm hoping to be able to wheel it out the garage in a few weeks. Once the rear is back on. It's still naked, but it's a start.
Well had my first service completed and have now clocked up 850 miles, i am really enjoying the bike now. The sensation when you pass 9k is amazing
Just passed 620 miles; sooooo frustrating keeping it down to 5,500 rpm! Mind you when the "Ice" warning icon appeared on the dash on Saturday as I went over Sennybridge ranges I suddenly didn't want to go any faster...just in case. It was bloody cold in my vented leathers. Brrrr.