Post Build (ish) Bike Weight - The Yellow Shed

Discussion in 'Builds & Projects' started by Cranker V2, Feb 21, 2015.

  1. I took the opportunity to put a set of digital scales under the yellow shed this afternoon. The following weights where achieved minus tank, side fairings, upper fairing and belly pan and rear mag wheel (a standard marchesini five spoker dyno wheel fitted). The seat unit fitted was a grp one, MS prod one of for paint.

    Front: 78.1kg
    Rear: 82.5kg.


    I should have the fairings back in the week and will repeat to see what the front / rear split is. All fairing parts are MS prod carbon, so maybe not to much weight to add.

    Hopefully it will be 170kg minus fuel.
  2. isn't your front to rear split a bit heavy i.e. your weight bias should be towards the front...say 52% to 48% for example....rather than 48 to 52........
  3. its minus tank and fairing plus a standard rear wheel and grp seat unit fitted. so a bit to come off rear and more to go on front. It should come back to required split with those changes.
  4. bit of a waste of time weighing it then really........;)

    when i was 25 i weighed 12.5 stones.........
  5. A bit heavier than a 13 year old Fireblade, then...
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. 170 kg sounds pretty good as wasn't the 1098R 165kg.

  7. Hmm, seems you didnt look at all the evidence before you made your first comment. Poor obs or poor reading skills?
  8. are you going to ride it around without the tank fairings seat etc on then....
  9. it#s a 1997 bike, so a few years of delopment helped honds
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  10. Are you trying to be a dick head on purpose or is it a trained agility?
    • Like Like x 2
    • Funny Funny x 2
  11. he's a cop so its a bit of nature and nurture:D
  12. Well if i was a dick head i would be weighing an incomplete bike........which clearly isn't a trained ability or agility.....

    Waste your time how you fooking like, i dont really care, i thought you were cleverer than that.
  13. What exactly is wrong with getting a bit excited about how your bike is turning out? And why are you so against it andy?
  14. Reckon his tank and fairing will weigh barely more the difference of his rear wheel swap from the heavy to mag. Tank only about 3kilos, fairing even less.

    I thought you may get it sub 160, given all the lightweight parts, guess you'll have to go ti system to get the extra off
  15. you appear to be the expert and voice of reason on most things......:rolleyes: why waste your time and effort on creating a set of figures that mean cock all......for the sake of a few days when the other bits come back you could have a meaning full and accurate figure, or do it weeks ago when it was built up prior to sending stuff off for a bit of paint?
    It will be great to see his project built, not just for Cranker but for anyone with a remote interest.......

    i think i prefer the type of post that builds you up to a final figure and then not tell any one....
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. What bike are we talking about, anyway?
  17. Completely missing the point andy, a meaningful and accurate figure is not required - a bit of joy over making meaningful improvements on an old nail is.
    • Like Like x 1
  18. All this joy will be wasted if Cranker rides the bike with his wallet in his back pocket.:upyeah:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. oops, night clubs and early morning wsbk dont mix. Sorry Andyb
  20. He can fabricate any point he likes....LOL
    • Funny Funny x 4
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