B**tards 998r Stolen E14

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by esfcandm, Feb 24, 2015.

  1. yes i have seen this "reward" thing done before.....i know its the we dont negotiate with terrorists line, but i have see it where the right low life are contacted and a notable offer put up and the bike returned........I and all here would understand if you did but be very careful if you do go down that route......
  2. Bad news about your bike
    This is starting to turn into an inquisition!
  3. so sorry to hear about ya loss.. i had an immaculate 97 900ss nicked about 8 years back and im still not over it so i know the heart ache. hope the doughnut munchers are more interested in your case than they were mine but i doubt it...
  4. if you cant come to a conclusion based on the information provided above then you are naive
    if you dont think that thieves scan Facebook and the internet then you are naive
    if you dont think that insurance companies scan Facebook and the internet then you are naive
    some might say that if you post your lost pride and joy with its recognisable details on Facebook and the internet then that is also naive.....
    if you dont think this information will get compared to an insurance report then you are naive

    if you have read all of the posts then you'll realise that applying a little inquisitive nature to a naive post may help a fellow ducati owner, then hooray for an inquisition. at least I'm not an insurance company or a scrote from E14...
    • Like Like x 3
  5. A very sad loss. I had a car stolen years ago and there was no sight of it ever again, despite it being one of about 6 in the country, so I know how it feels. Hopefully you'll get it back soon, or at least not have a 6 month fight with the insurers like I did back then (I think the car thieves were chancers but the insurers were real criminals!!!). I didn't own a decent car again for years afterwards. Hopefully in these days of the internet you'll fare better. Fingers crossed.

    You'd have thought that with all the ANPR cameras about these days a group of vehicles with no plates would set some sort of alarm bells ringing? Or I wonder are the reports of "all the ANPR cameras about these days" a bit of a myth?
  6. given that ANPR stands for automated number plate recognition, i think it might struggle to read a group of vehicles with no number plates.......even if they had bells ringing or not....:upyeah:;)
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Hey Sherlock :upyeah:
  8. i was waiting for someone to spot that one......:cool:
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  9. Even a dog turd left in the street in E14 would get pinched.
  10. I left my Cx500 there all day....not a nibble.
  11. You should have put a scrambler sticker on it ... oh wait up
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. I said a dog turd, not a lepers arm.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  13. But the stolen bike had a number plate so they should be able to track that to a certain area at least
  14. Thanks everyone for your interest and helpful comments. Unfortunately, the Police have now found the remains of my bike. It was trashed and burned out. Totally destroyed - just some charred, rusting pieces of metal and delaminating carbon fibre weave. The front wheel was smashed, as was the front fork brace. It was found in Choats Road, Dagenham. A very sad end. It was identified via the frame/engine number...
  15. That's sad news. But at least u now know whats happened and can maybe looks towards using another duke as it was intended. Get a 1098R purchased and put 30k miles on that. That.l make you feel better
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. A scumbag trick i read of years ago was to snap the steering lock, then mr moped sticks a leg out pushing the stolen bike away by a footpeg. Of course the chains/disc lock etc should stop that.
    I do feel for you buddy, you could try sending engine/chassis numbers to every Ducati dealer you can think of, and to the track day companies too.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  17. Bastards.
    I'd bet the engine internals are still sound, as would a lot of the metal work. Could it be worth buying back as a track bike?
    Shame to think of one of these being scrapped.
  18. It's been found, trashed :(
  19. Ah shit, sorry mate. You must be gutted. Hope the insurance company plays fair. Who you with? Might be worth buying her back for bits? Hopefully however nicked it is on lots of pain if the front end is smashed.
  20. if thats the case that eliminates the stolen to order/ knew what they were after/doing theory....
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