Bright Sunshine here at Storrington, I'm out later but want to ride,not hang around chatting so probably won't go to Box. Thinking of Loomies atm.
ok John, good plan - catch up with you all at some point. Do you know Loomies Sam? where A272 and A32 cross at West Meon : - Loomies Cafe - Google Maps if not, bound to be several at Box :smile:
That's a shame Aircon, I'd have liked to see your Pikes Peak Bike Yes I know Loomies but I'm heading out of London so maybe a meet up nearer then onto Loomies. Which location do you suggest/prefer
I think I will head up to Box but not joining you lot on a ride out, got to pop over to my mums then will prob venture out for a quick spin from there.