Cal to quit MotoGP?

Discussion in 'Racing & Bike Sport' started by Dave, Aug 25, 2012.

  1. Looks like no job satisfaction where he is in that case I don't blame him going back to superbikes
    Personally I find superbikes far more interesting than motogp of late
  2. I can see where he is coming from. He must be looking at many of the guys on factory bikes and thinking he is as good or better than them

    Why earn less and have less chance of winning when it can be the opposite?
  3. Cal need to get a grip, he is two years in Moto GP, it took him year1 to get any kind of feel for the bike, now in year 2 he is performing really well, but not as well as Dovi and certainly not up to his potential.He needs to persevere in Tech 3 which is a pretty decent bike and show everybody next year what he can do. For gods sake Cal grow up.
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  4. Cal signs 1 year deal with tech3 this morning.

    So more bullshit printed by mcn about him quitting.:wink:
    #5 Imola, Aug 25, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2012
  5. Come on Cal's done really well this year, just to end up being strung along by Ducati. Think you'd be pi**ed off as well.

    With 5 of the 6 factory rides to be taken by Spanish and Italians, it's about time MotoGp got a grip before they lose even more fans, especially the Brits.
  6. That's good news - I just hope it is the right choice. If he does well again next year but then still doesn't get a better ride it will be a real shame. Let's hope we see some rule changes to get more factory bikes on the grid asap.
  7. From Monster Yamaha's press release....

  8. Nice one!
  9. Cal will now beat his team mate at every race!
  10. Maybe a Ducati ride 2014 then?
  11. Well you'd think so wouldn't you - but I hope Bradley gels with the MotoGP bike better than his current ride. He was such a prospect but recently such a disappointment.
  12. Noooo!

    Chuck Scott Redding on it when Nicky goes.....

    I'm still hoping Marc VDS sort a deal out and run a Ducati for him next year, but it's gone all quiet on that one and Karel Abraham's dad is minted, bringing loads of cash to the table.
  13. Mid he is staying with Tech3 then that's good. Otherwise a CRT bike would not have been a good move
  14. Very glad about this. There are a couple of races he would have finished much nearer the very sharp end if he had managed to find a way past Dovi - he was clearly much faster.

    Would he have been on the podium much this year on a different bike? Not so sure. He's not as fast as Lorenzo, or Stoner or Pedders (and I don't think his current machinery makes any difference to this.) Clearly the Tech 3 bike is there or thereabouts. Barring crashes, he can only be better in 2013. Then maybe i 2014 he really will be a title contender, if he gets a further bike upgrade.

    CRT is a total waste of time - just grid filling. And it would have been sad to see him go to Superbikes as he is our best MotoGP rider since can't remember when (in terms of results, anyway).
  15. Read yesterday that the whole Marc VDS Ducati thing had fallen through looks like Ianone will be on a satellite Ducati next year now
  16. I thought that might have been the case with the lack of any news......Bollocks.
  17. A1I1UvWCYAACz0y.jpg

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  18. Somewhere on here is a post from Nog about Bradley being asked to give up the ride to hand it over to other better riders who are in CRT and Moto2.
    He refused to get payed off on his contract!
    After 2 years He will be history in motogp as no team boss will sign him.
  19. Just heard that Bradley and cal are the tec 3 team next year
    Alls well that ends well :)
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