e-Petition against EU Anti-Tampering legislation

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Dave, Aug 25, 2012.

  1. Signed.

    Would love to see the correlation between safety and upgrading bits of your bike.

    Is it any wonder we all hate faceless bureaucracies deciding our lives for us?
  2. Signed, but not a very well worded introduction to the petition.

  3. That's an understatement. The wording is incoherent rubbish, so the petition is pointless and probably counterproductive. I'm not signing it, for that reason. A petition which was to the point, and showed signs of intelligent thought, might be more useful.
  4. If you want to raise awareness on this very important issue then I would suggest you also write to your local MP's and MEP's with your concerns, there are thousands of UK manufacturing jobs at stake if this legislation gets the green light, in this current economic climate it's bordering on the insane.
  5. Everything the last few governments have done is insane.
  6. Signed, just wish these idiots could leave us alone.
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