916 Advise Needed

Discussion in '748 / 916 / 996 / 998' started by yev, Mar 2, 2015.

  1. yea yours is sweet. i just glanced that one yesterday and thought it may have been the same bike but (obviously and on a closer look) it aint.
  2. there was a guy asking on here about the fairings on that one the other week.
  3. 955 Factory Corsa would be top of my list for that shape ducati for investment.
  4. Not as much as a Bostrom
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Have these not already doubled if not tripled in value? Best to buy on the turn, they will not double again for many many years :)
  6. I know of a 955 for sale. Its in California though. It was taken over there a year ago from the uk and now the owner wants to sell.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. do you know the price?
  8. I know of another ^ and will ask dicreetly next time I see him as he does tend to chop and change - no interest myself as have enough on my plate.
  9. 916SPS not th 996 tagged one.
  10. If you want something to invest in that's nice to look at buy a painting, leave the bikes for those who want to ride them.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. didn't asked to be patronised,mate. why don't you go and dish out your wisdom to someone else?

    also, don't tell me that you would go and buy '96 sp3 which stood for 10 years and take it straight to the track, don't believe it in million years.

    i have bike for the road , bike for the track , and i want another bike to look at. didn't realise it is such a big deal!
  12. Didn't ask for a reply. Seems we're all getting extra today.
  13. I wonder if he has a little model of one in his living room, real ones are better :D
  14. Dam, I used to have a second house that I rented but sold it when someone on a forum told me I shouldn't have it unless I lived in it and that I should leave it for someone who would live in it. So I sold it and invested in a few bikes instead. Now look what's fucking happened :Hilarious:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. Well to throw my 2 pence worth into the hat, one of your options is a 998 FE. I have a 998 Final Edition amongst my little collection and while I cherish and keep all my bikes in pristine condition the Final Edition only comes out for a weekend blast on very rare occasions and still has less than 2000 miles in total. If you can find a good one it is still a very top toy
    to have and own and I think only something like 57 bikes ever came to the UK ten years ago. I have the mono version which is even harder to find or if your really push the boat out go for the 998R which is really top toy. Good luck and let us all know what you decide on.
  16. What knob told you that? :Hilarious:
    What you need is some lovely paintings of houses.
    I just happen to have some in my gallery if you want to swap a bike for one. And when i say gallery, what i mean is on my fridge. And when i say lovely, I mean, if you squint really hard you could kind of make out a square blob on the page.
  17. I think it may have been you :Wideyed: I have bikes in my gallery :D
  18. ok, back now, been drinking all the wine i had in my house for longer then a day as it is surely meant to be drunk and not kept.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. it is 916 sp3 i am buying. viewing next week . high miles but mint
  20. Oh :Shamefullyembarrased:
    Well what the fuck you listening to me for, not even I do. :Wacky:
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