1200 Does Your Skyhook Multi Start First Time Everytime?

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Noble Ron, Mar 4, 2015.

  1. Mine really does not. When its cold it will 7/10 times not start first time.

    I have changed the battery, cleaned out the starter switch. Had a yearly service only 5000 miles on a 2013 bike. Full system Termi. Bike used 5 days a week.

    When the bike is warm, it starts first time all day long. To make things more confusing, if I leave the bike from Friday night to Monday morning sometimes it starts first time.

    This morning it took 4 starts to get it started. I depress the button fully, bike turns over, no start, leave for a second, repeat until the bike starts. If I keep my finger depressed the bike will not start from continuously forcing a start. It has to be started in a separate action.

    I've reassembled the start switch with was not dirty, did seem to make a difference. I have asked Ducati Aylesbury but they just told me it was due to the size of the 1200cc cylinders and the piddly little starter motor.

    The bike runs fine and lives in a garage. Any ideas.
  2. Mine starts ok I'd still ask the main dealer to look at it
    A couple of turns of the engine and mine starts I have heard of KTM 1190 slow starting
  3. Mine has started first time every time ??
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. I'll upload a video if its worthy of a look. As its intermittent its difficult to just unload the bike at the dealers.
  5. Good idea then you can show the dealer take toads then show him more than one start
  6. Something not right there..
    My starts 1st time eveytime, even if its been stood for weeks
    Id get the dealer to have a proper look at it, read fault code memories and see if it has recorded something
  7. Same here. Only issue I find when its been stood a while is that when sliding the power switch it can take around 5 seconds for things to wake up.
  8. Had problems with mine but battery had gone but even on new battery it's lazy and slow to turn over
  9. My 2011 starts first time, regardless if stood for a day or a week or a fortnight. And I have never charged the battery (except while running the engine, obviously). Now that the battery is four years old, I may have to consider renewing it.

    "I have asked Ducati Aylesbury but they just told me it was due to the size of the 1200cc cylinders and the piddly little starter motor." - this is complete bollocks.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Yes
    #10 Frenchy, Mar 4, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 4, 2015
  11. 2013 Skyhook and it starts every time - no problems.
    I have had one little quirk - Starting from cold, no problem, I then had to stop it after only a few seconds running as I had forgotten something and it would not start until left for 2 or 3 minutes. Also smelt petrol so I assumed it runs very rich in the first minute or so then goes leaner. If this happens just leave it for a few minutes and then it will start. If you try straight away it wont start as the engine acts like it is flooded with petrol.
  12. Mine starts after a couple of engine turns, the battery always seems to struggle, but always fires and starts, never not started
  13. Mine takes a couple of turns when really cold but never needs a second prod of the button. Occasionaly when hot it does tho
  14. mine has not started first prod twice, it never sounds like it will, but it does
  15. Dodgy sensor somewhere ?

    If you have compression, fuel and a spark, all at the right time, then it really should start.
  16. Same here, sounds as though it's labouring to turn over but just before you think the battery is about to give up it fires up first time (so far) :Nailbiting:
  17. Mine 2013 has started first time every time except for last weekend.
  18. How odd. It turns over a couple of times as normal, then kind of puffs out. If that's even a term.

    I'll try and catch it on video the next time I start in the morning. It would be nice to get it sorted as my 2 year warranty runs out in April.
  19. Get it into the dealer and leave it with them overnight so they can do the morning start before your warranty runs out!
  20. I have been told that all big twins labour a bit when starting due to their big fly wheel and not to expect them to zip into action like a triple or a four. Sounds likely to me.
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