Disappointing service from a main dealer

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Peterpoddy, Aug 12, 2012.

  1. Quick update:

    My wife had a call from a director of the firm in question, BEFORE we had had a chance to send the letter, asking us where it was.
    Since we sent the letter, nothing...

    I'll give 'em another week
  2. Oh, did I mention that they missed a small fuel leak from the fuel pump seal too?
    Admittedly I only spotted it after the bike sat overnight in the garage, as I happened to approach the bike from the side with the leak, but I traced it with no fuss.
  3. What a lot of limp wristed dithering around!

    Do something man or just drop it altogether, but don't keep dancing around the bloody matter, giving everyone a 3rd chance and moaning at the same time, do you think they will ever take you seriously now?
  4. This thread is of no use without a name!

  5. Not sure what you mean by that. Im
    giving them a chance to sort it out, what's wrong with that?

    Ill tell you all who it is when I'm good and ready. I'm not feeding an Internet lynch mob! :)
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  6. Agree completely. It is becoming obvious the OP is trolling.

    Any comments, be they good or bad, are pointless without saying who the dealer is.
    #86 DonaldDuc, Aug 25, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2012
  7. It's also becoming obvious that there's some right pillocks on this forum, but I'll not mention that, eh? ;)

    I might be new-ish on here, but I'm a wily old goat when it comes to internet forums in general and I know how easily a thread can turn into a baying mob ready to burn the witch at the stake.

    If any of you were any good, you'd have worked it out which dealer it was on your own..... You're mostly rank amateurs when it comes to sleuthing! :)

    I'll give em another few days then I tell you what, I'll simply cut and paste my letter straight on here, names, the lot,
    How does that sound?
  8. Or would you like a scan of the service receipt, maybe?
  9. For me personally, I would like to know to which dealer your complaint refers.

    I am interested as I am new to Ducatti and live between Snells and MotoRapido, which appear to be the 2 candidates.

    As you will no doubt say you will name them next week, and never do, you are IMHO a TROLL.
    #89 DonaldDuc, Aug 25, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2012
  10. Patience, patience...... Why do you need to know RIGHT NOW anyway? And why does it make any difference? :)

    Wild guess - You just wanna argue with me that I'm wrong...?
  11. Must agree which ever one did the work you will get flak from loyal to them members.
    Me! I have no loyalty to any ducati main dealer! I prefer to speak to one man band type ducati experts!
  12. We are actually loyal customers ourselves. My wife bought her last bike from them, in fact....... Never had a problem until now. Then it all comes at once, silly schoolboy errors that no pro mechanic should ever make.
  13. And can you name any "one man band type Ducati experts" in Hampshire? :wink:
  14. Well If that's the case (loyal customer) You have more patience than most Mate!

    They are taking the piss IMHO and thats not good! I would also send Ducati UK a email ?
  15. OK, fair enough. You are entitled to your opinion. (Although bold, capital letters don't make you right, you know...)

    Will you agree to apologise, properly and publicly on a separate thread, for your remarks when I do name them?
    #95 Peterpoddy, Aug 25, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2012
  16. Sorry Peterpoddy.......I don't think you are that much of a wily old goat.

    Some of the things you say that had been incorrectly done / not done to your bike were simply downright dangerous.....

    ....OK, you might be a good 'mechanic' and luckily you have sorted some of the issues out....

    But the dealer that did the work probably didn't know you were a quite a good 'mechanic', therefore he presented you with a vehicle that was not roadworthy or safe........

    Suppose you weren't mechanically savvy and what could have occurred to a relatively inexperienced rider.

    So what do you do? Yep, you piddle around writing a letter to the dealer......and it seems to me that it still isn't resolved.

    If it had been me in your shoes, I would have recorded the bad work, with photographs; not done any of the corrections myself and then got straight onto the Trading Standards Office.....You could even have got onto VOSA.

    Fat lot of good a letter would have done if you had been involved in a nasty on the way home from the dealer.

    • Like Like x 1
  17. Al, why not also name them on a respected internet forum?
  18. Oh yeah. We've had this before with my wife's old Speed 4. It pays to be patient, but we've had a lot worse:
    Jack Lilley faffed around to the max and called her a liar. In it's first 13 weeks, it spent 7 in their workshop. So I phoned Triumph. Who kicked their arse. They didn't like that.
    (FYI the bike dropped a valve at 300 miles, then the cam chain at about 800, they tried to say she'd ridden it miles and miles with the broken valve.....I wouldn't piss on Jack Lilleys if they were on fire)
    #98 Peterpoddy, Aug 25, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2012
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  19. With regard to internet forums (As I said) I am. Very, very much so. :)

    Mmmmm. Not really. There's nothing that would have caused any accident there. The wheel won't fall out from a loose tensionner, for instance. It's more of a lot of small and medium issues mounting up. Which is why I titles this thread 'disappointing' and not 'shocking' :)

    They certainly do now! :)

    Fair comment, but 'what if' is a non-argument IMO. I could deal in a million 'what ifs' if I wanted, but I'll stick to the facts.

    The fact of the matter is that I simply do not have the time (Working away all week, away last weekend) to be going to trading standards, and generally messing about. I don't have the time to take it somewhere to get it sorted. I had one day, a Sunday, to sort it so my wife could use it to commute on whilst I have the car all week. For some of us, bikes are more then just a toy. So I did that.
    I generally do repairs etc on my own bikes anyway, have done for years (I've built VW engines, fitted gearboxes, cyl heads, the lot in the past) but I do like to see a full history on a bike, from a dealer, and I'm prepared (and able) to pay good money for that, especially when I'm short of time like now. Normally I take my own wheels off for tyres to be fitted, I have my own chain tool, but I was prepared to pay a reasonable amount to get it done this time, but give me silly prices like that and I'll just do it myself every time

    I'm gonna give 'em chance to put it right, and if they do you'll have a glowing report. If not, I'll take them to the cleaners, be sure of that.
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  20. Interesting thread this and I absolutley agree with Steve here.
    Apart from one exception and that would be Cornerspeed who I have never dealt with personally other than Nelly on here.
    He seems to me to be one of those one man band Ducati type experts in a dealership.
    You dont frequent a Ducati forum for the fun of it unless you after info or are an enthuisiast (might of spelt that wrong) or trying to sell or pump up your buisness.
    So what do I think of the OP
    1, yes this forum is for this sort of gripe exchange of info/comment
    2, name and shame if someone will be put at risk/death. It's not a game of "1 up to me because I can get the info out", someone could feasably die tommorow whilst you're f*cking around with this thread.
    3 , Or you could have posted up once issue is resolved and no-one would have payed much attention other than a passing thought of "hmmm maybe I wont go there, Ahh f*ck it I will that guy was just unlucky"
    Hard call but I'm swayed to no2.

    Me I'd go independant to someone (like Rich at Luigi) or failing that the only dealer I've heard thats respected , Neil at cornerspeed (regardless of miles away) infact I did go to Rich and I had to get my bike over in the van from Guernsey .
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