After selling my Gsxr 750 in October I'm finally back in the saddle. I collected my new 899 today and despite a chilly ride home I'm thrilled. I chose not to wear full leathers on the 1.5hr train ride for fear of looking like a knob so went with jeans and jacket and summer gloves... Wrong call! Any way... The noise makes the hairs on my neck stand up and the quick shifter is brilliant. How on earth will I keep to 6000rpm for 625 miles and then 7000rpm until 1000 miles?! Next up is to tackle fitting the tail tidy and Venturesheild kit. Keen to get crash bungs, would hate to think of the cost of fairing replacement should the worst happen! Roll on the next Sunny day... Itching to get out again!
Come to Matlock Bath on Sunday, weather looks great, I posted a thread for a meet but have had no takers as yet, maybe its me!!:Meh: