1200 Press Launch Of 2015 Multistrada 1200 Dvt

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by andydmcn, Feb 11, 2015.

  1. Yep - until you've actually tried the thing out (as well as seen it in the flesh which I haven't) it's impossible to know whether this bike is going to tick the boxes on my personal wishlist. I never put too much store on official reviewers as they aren't me and I know what I want from my bike.

    One thing is for sure though - the next time I'm home I'll be calling into the local dealer for a nosey around the newbie and taking it out for a blast along my favourite stretch of road around the coast (because, once a year touring excepted, that's what I routinely use the bike to travel on). If it can make me smile at least as much as my current bike then maybe a change will be on the cards.
  2. Sometimes you just know :)
  3. Ducati have never been anything different in any worldwide financial state, I don't think they've even registered that at any stage from a bike release perspective,possibly from a fit and finish perspective (saved money here and there) but it's not hurt Sales and so I guess that's brand for you, hats off to them for that.

    I just think the last thing the bike needed was fattening up, it's all very top heavy looking and then slopes down very far to the seat, the side on profile just reminds me of those big fat city scooters.

    Perhaps in the flesh I'll change my mind, but for now I personally think the 2010-2014 versions just look a bit more svelte and not like it's trying to be an armchair
  4. bikes awaiting the press this morning .....

  5. Wonder what happens to press bikes after they have done the rounds. Do they end up being dealer demos ?
  6. Granted it has put on five or so kilos, but when you take into account the weight of some of the opposition, namely Honda's crosstourer it's still 20 or so kilos lighter
  7. Go to dealers as demo bikes?
  8. You're comparing to the wrong bike. The most direct competitor will be th e BMW S1000R which is 23 pounds less than the Multi
  9. You mean the S1000XR of course!
  10. I would say also the R1000S or what ever it is, 2 BM's will compete in my view, well actually 3, GS will steal some and lose some to the MS
  11. Yes. My bad
  12. The problem is that the circuit board within the speedo has no protection against moisture (coating).
    The casing is very well made, with some state of the art vapour control. Unfortunately it appears that the spiders web breathers don't like our cleaning chemicals and that the connectors have been overheated during production. This leads to a tiny amount of water to come into contact with the basic unprotected circuits.
    Given that the housing is unserviceable I've no idea why they didn't pot the whole thing?
  13. MCN again it is all about the smoothness of the engine. if that is true what they state I would be more than happy, as for me you need to keep the bike at 3k and above for a smooth pull, to be able to potter in 2nd smoothly at 2k and pull hard is a huge improvement for me
  14. You know thats bad for the engine, right?!

    Mine pulls clean and vibe free from 3k, maybe I'm lucky
  15. Bradders that is what I said, mine pulls well from 3k, but the new DVT pulls clean from 1850, I said 2k as it is better for the engine, and when I say, "hard" ofc I will not be doing that every time.
  16. From what I read and hear 3k is bad enough for the engine, any lower and big ends start grumbling, both figuratively and literally.
  17. I await the long term test bikes to give a more accurate representation of what your going to get and live with. A days saddle time via proxy is not enough to pursued me to part with £16k. Though I am in no rush and look forward to the early adopters comments on this forum.
  18. I will not be getting the new multistrada, I just fired an email off to Ducati Ayslesbury.
    "New Touring Multi with Topbox and Tracker is £17500"

    So thats bike, touring kit and top box with tracker.

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