1200 Does Your Skyhook Multi Start First Time Everytime?

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Noble Ron, Mar 4, 2015.

  1. This is the fun I had this morning. As you can see its so nearly there but this really is not normal right?

  2. Right, this is not normal. Strange that it nearly catches but then stalls, from the first attempt, for some many attempts. At least the battery is holding a good charge :)

    At least now you have something to show your dealer.
    #22 steveb123, Mar 5, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2015
  3. Yes it is good to show them, seems that I am very close if not past my warranty time, must check to see if I can get it extended today. I did mention this a while back to the guys in december when I had the bike serviced. They are accommodating but also very busy with all the March bikes going out so they will get back to me. They did mention it could be something as simple as new spark plugs, they have said they will arrange to bring the bike on for a code check etc.
  4. In the video it sounds like it needs just a bit of throttle when it fires. Not right, granted, but I suspect that would get you going? Anytime anyone is shopping for a new battery I cannot recommend Motobatt highly enough. Fantastic batteries!!!
  5. Sometimes I do use the throttle a little, this was more of an exercise starting without, as it should in theory start first time.
  6. That's no good is it? Watched your vid, so went into garage to test my 2010, which hasn't been turned over since last September, so 5 months? Started first time, within 2 seconds.

    Had the EXVL error, but switched off and on and it cleared. You have a fuelling issue there I suspect, something electrickery would be my guess?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. One thing I noticed is the dash display for the speed shows three dashes just as the bike tries to fire.
    Possible earthing issue somewhere. Dealer should be able to interrogate the bikes fault history to see the cause.

    Could even be a faulty crank sensor.
  8. The must frustrating part of this is that I went to the bike after work and it started 1st time. I have filled her up last night and will try again on Friday morning.

    Thats an interesting point about the limited knowledge I have on the crank sensor. I have noticed a couple of times in the past that the bike has run a little rough but never put these 2 together until now. It was almost like the bike had lost power (wouldn't turn rev on when throttle turned) and couldn't get the revs but the continued as normal. hmm, the plot thickens.

    It seems that I have left it this until the end of my warranty period, so Im hoping this can be resolved in a non-spendy manner.
  9. Extend the warranty for the third (final) year, if it's still available ?
    #29 AirCon, Mar 6, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 7, 2015
  10. That video clearly shows the system voltage dropping very low during starting.
    The voltage is dropping so low the display is resetting.
    I cannot stress this enough...get a new quality battery and make sure it is fully charged.
    I've replaced the system and starter leads on all my ducati and they start like an electric drill.
    Check battery, starter motor earth and relay terminals for corrosion.
    Big V and L twins do take a lot of juice to start compared to triples and four cylinder bikes.

    I own three dukes, two are MTS1200 all start \ spin fast easily.
    Good leads, batteries and kept charged by tenders (Optimate 4\5).
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  12. Thanks for these thoughts. I have recently changed the battery to a new Yusa OEM battery. I'll try and keep this fully charged. Im going to have a look at the bike as you have suggested too.

    To throw a spanner in the works, I filled up the bike, the temp was 2 degrees warmer today. The bike started first time as normal. I spoke to Ducati Ayslesbury and they had suggested that a spark plug change would be their first change they would make, after the code check.

  13. Has it got the right grade oil in it? could be a lil bit thick, have you tried starting I with the clutch in to see if less drag helps, or turn the tick over up a tiny bit.
  14. Its a power issue.
    The battery is unable to support the ECU, display and probably the injectors during start up.
    With a decent voltage mater measure the battery volts during an attempted start and report back.
    1. Voltage switch down, no ignition.
    2. Voltage ignition on.
    3. Voltage during a crank.

    Expect 12.8 to 13.5vdc
    12.6 to 13.3vdc
    Then no lower that 11.2 during a crank.

    Not an abnormal load during start could also cause this. Very thick oil, faulty starter, ectras draining battery (heated clothing etc).
  15. Battery sounds healthy enough. Could be a plug or even the coil on one of the plugs. They have been known to fail because of water ingress I believe.
  16. I cu
    how can a battery sound healthy ¿

    Clearly the display is going off during start!

    Don't worry about a scientific or engineering approach, herbal medicine will fix this.
  17. I have some time today to look into this. I will poke around the connectors, but I am not a mechanic so not sure how much real info I'll be able to get unless there is something hanging off etc. I'll give it a bash anyway and get the battery at full charge. I do use OEM heated grips and the Aux lights pretty much all the time during winter. The bike had its annual service in December so the bike has the correct oil I would imagine.
  18. Hey Aircon

    I have done a quick visual inspection under the seat, it all looks good. I removed the battery leads and reattached, checked fuses in main under seat area, next to battery. Also put the bike on charge. The bike starts first time from cold and continues to do so. Is there reference of where the start motor earth sits?
  19. I don't recall where the earth attaches on the starter, its probably just through the bolts.
    The current path is via the starter relay and the associated power cables.
    Watching your video I'm 90% your battery has low capacity.
    Note has it EVER been run low, below 10volts (flat). If yes buy a new one.
    I can take a new lead acid battery and reduce the capacity by 1\3 to 1\2 in less than. a day, just discharge it below it's deep discharge value. Age of the battery is no indication of its health.
  20. Thanks for the help. I bought the new Yusa battery in December last year, so its pretty new. I have been using it 5 days a week but did have to leave it for around 10 days with out a charge over the Christmas break. I have a tracker fitted so the battery is always depleting when not charged.

    I could try another new battery and see how it goes with that. I might have another look at the starter switch too. The fault is intermittent that it's not going to affect my enjoyment of such a great bike. It would just be nice to find the cause.
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