Off-road Motorcyclist sought after killing dog

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Guido, Aug 23, 2012.

  1. So what do you get so worked up about then? Was it posted before on here? Take a chill pill. We all act on what we know, it seems that unlike you I do not spend my time researching the subject this thread is enough I got better things to do.

    Just for your information in 2005 I was involved in hit and run. A car drove over me and my CBR125. I gave full description of the vehicle, green ford focus estate and full plate no all that info backed up by a witness. 4 days later police called me to say car was reported stolen by owner day before so he is not investigated further. They are still looking. Interestingly a week after that police phone call I got a letter from them saying that investigation has established that owner of the car has reported the car stolen about 30 min after hit and run but he said it was stolen a day before. Then they apologised for the mistake in information I was provided a week before, they called in a clerical error or something like that. So excuse me if I want to cover all the aspects.

    In regards of owner orchestrating the theft well I doubt that but someone going dog killing in general yes there are sicker fuckers out there then that.
  2. And another one a lady rear ended me on a bike in I think it was September 2010. She gave me all her name, address and phone number. I also took picture of plate of the car and car itself but never of her (mistake). When I called few days later a man picked up and said no one of X name lives here. Reported to police and got a reply that owner of the vehicle is a male and vehicle was not registered to address I was provided. AkA no such lady. His wife said along with husband said they know nothing about it, she match roughly to my description of driver. So blond, no glasses, about 170. But so does 40% of women apparently. I had to use other channels to secure CCTV footage from said junction, sent it to police and only then did she admit she did it.

    People do all kinds off stuff to get away with stuff. Sometimes they get in so much more trouble for trying to hide the mistake then mistake itself would have caused.
  3. The only person who needs to chill here is you. Don't confuse what may or may not have happened here with your personal crusade against the injustice you say you've suffered

    Go do some googling, check the multiple sources that confirm the owner was completely exonerated, then you can come back with some other spurious theory based on your experiences. And for someone that hasn't got time to check the facts - well maybe you should before posting. It strikes me you've got a bit of time, given the lengthy posts - the last 2 in quick succession.

    As said already, never let a small thing like the truth get in the way of a good story. Works for the mail!
    #43 Paul_o, Aug 26, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2012
  4. Interesting that you say my story may or may not have happened yet you do not know the owner of the bike but base your opinion on 2nd or 3rd hand information (newspaper of what ever kind). You even seem to spend time researching the case still getting your info of google the most reliable source, so who needs a chill pill?

    I am in middle of cooking dinner now hence replying to this thread, when that is done crack beer open and enjoy a meal with moto2 race. I still will not feel a need to google anything relating to that case and I still do not understand why are you so worked up about it?

    So the owner was found not guilty so what? Does that change the fact that there are sick people in any group or do you honestly believe all bikers are perfect?

    Finally people, humanity on greater scale, learn from their own and others mistakes. That is how they later shape the world around them. It is past experience that shapes future actions in similar situation. I have posted it to help you see why I came with that idea that you obviously did not think off (right or wrong idea). As said until you posted the article I did not see it or see any way police could identify the bike. In that situation how do you expect anyone to form opinion where owner was 100% not guilty?
  5. Do me a favour and don't misquote me. I said the injustice you say you suffered. I don't know you, don't know if what you say is true (although no reason to disbelieve), and don't know how much of what you say is embellishes based on your (naturally) biased and subjective view

    If you want to get into a debate on forums or put forward a theory, then do yourself a favour and do your research first - or risk looking like an idiot

    The topic is about someone's dog being killed, by someone who has stolen a motorcycle. The rest of the facts will no doubt come to light sooner or later

    Half-arsed comments and spurious theories based on prejudiced conjecture are about as useful as a nuns tits. Go cook your dinner, drink your beer, and come back when you've got something useful to add please
  6. So to sum up looking at all your posts here everything for you is a prejudice of some sort. I have nothing against KTM owners as then I would have to have something against you.
    Until I called you on it on this thread, where we are discussing this incident, except you saying owner was found not guilty there was no proof of that provided. Then you got mad that someone decided to ignore what you posted (with no proof). Then you talk about doing research and all that but google is not research it is just reading what others have put there. Semantics right?
    I have a feeling you count your self as part of KTM lot or off-roaders lot, to make it clear not judging good or bad, so in short you are not biased so you have a prejudice of sorts.
    Why is it that you feel off-roaders are vilified more by press then other bikers? You talk about biker solidarity yet say off-roading lot if vilified. All bikers are vilified by press so do not act like one group is worse then other.

    Finally to one of your first posts a thief can be a biker and a biker can be a thief so do not spill prejudice around :D
  7. I'm having a very hard job following any of this.
  8. You know what, I've broken my golden rule: Never enter into a battle of the wits with an unarmed opponent

    Post what you like dude - you clearly pick and choose from facts and context to support your skewed perspective.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Dont feel too bad old pal:mad:
    Most of us could have eaten a tin of alphabetti spaghetti and shat out a better constructed argument than most of what gets posted on here:biggrin:
    • Like Like x 1
  10. I'm feeling you!
  11. True, but there is a legal obligation to report running over a dog, but not a cat.
  12. Me as well now.

    Until something is backed up with proof it is a theory. You provided none till I asked so what is the problem there.

    Regarding rest, seems like selective memory, for example post 20.

    Ah well movie on.
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