Hey! so today was my MOT, and it failed pretty badly if i do say so myself ! haha. here is the snapshot of the fail cert. i have attached it, can someone guide me through on how i can fix these? especially the wheel bearing.. which bearing i need etc :\
May sound harsh, but if you're not technical enough to spot any of this pre test, are you skilled enough to sort them?
im skilled enough to sort them, i just need parts list, and where to get them. (i used to own an nc30 and i pretty much stripped the whole thing apart and sorted it) i knew it was going to fail, and i never checked the bike over before hand, i had already ordered brand new front and rear discs and new rear light unit. just waiting for them to arrive, only put it through the MOT to get a definit fail sheet so i know WHAT to fix. 25 quid. not a big problem to me
The only part of the list I wouldn't be 100% happy doing would be changing the front wheel bearings,all the rest is pretty basic stuff,sticking brakes will most likely be warped discs/worn pads,stop lamp will be a sticking switch,headlamp beam is easily adjustable and the slack chain is a no brainer....all parts are probably available cheaply on ebay.
So you're so bone idle and careless that you stick it in for an mot to find out what might be wrong with it, and now you want everyone else to do the running round and tell you step by step how to fix it? Get fucking real!
All basic maintenance really,as said earlier, front wheel bearings are a doddle, they punch out from the opposite side and when replacing with new ones put them in the freezer first, they go back in easier and use a large socket or an old bearing to tap them back in. Steve
Parts cat: ISSUU - cataloguearegeneralandcanundergochangeswithoutpriornotice.CATALOGUENo:ISSUED:CATALOGUENo:ISSUED:Spar by Ducati Omaha
get focking real like ayeeee, i didnt ask everyone else to go around giving me step by step instructions, my question was mainly aiming towards the bearings. everything else is easy to do, like i said, already ordered new discs as the pads are nearly brand new. if cant say anything helpful, then im afraid im gonna have to ask you to, get tha fuck out of my thread
Going by how much trouble you're having sorting your clutch, I'd recommend you get a professional to do the repairs.
long screw driver go inside wheel spindle hole you will catch edge of bearing on the opposite side tap it out evenly. taking obvious precautions not to damage wheel or disks. it's not a bad fail. chain should of been noticed before test if nothing else. :smile:.
he is in Scottish land maybe finm could help?........in fact,theres that few people up there he probably knows him or is related to him......
The pistons in your brake calipers need cleaned I'd bet, could also grease your disc's that will help with brakes sticking. EDIT only joking about grease on disc's , and that's the trouble with the internet good and bad information.