Belt Tension Measuring App

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Old rider, Mar 12, 2015.

  1. Found it. :upyeah:
    • Like Like x 1
  2. Search under gates carbon drive, iphone only ( it does work on an iPad)
  3. Not only does it work on an iPad, you can press 2x at bottom right of the screen and get a full-screen version for us folk who need Specsavers
  4. Posted this on the 999/749 forum:
    Just to add a bit, I turned off the radio I had in the shop to get rid of any frequency noise. Also, if you are working under older florescent lights that have a magnetic ballast, they put out a 60Hz oscillation (North American power generation frequency. UK is 50Hz, no?). Turn 'em off and use a good old incandescent bulb trouble light or and LED. Also any small motors like fans, etc. 60Hz output again; shut them off if near where you are working. The new electronic ballasts in florescent lights operate at much higher frequency (have these in my shop) and don't interfere.
  5. Ok, have had a reply.
    No explanation about why Ducati have changed their specs but it seems Chris Kelley always thought 145 Hz was too high and set the Ducati 2v belts to 110hz.
    Then when they started producing their own belts, they dropped that even further to 99hz. So, rather than CaCycleworks just falling in line with Ducati practice, as you'd expect, by recommending the same tension for all belts, it actually seems to have been the other way round.
    CaCycleworks did it first!
    • Useful Useful x 1
  6. Any news on their UK distributor yet :Wideyed:
  7. Not
    Not as yet.
    Let's hope this one doesn't fall through...
  8. Usually things in the UK from the USA end up costing the same in pounds than dollars so perhaps not enough margin in it for profit with such a small nice product? What would be a good price do you think for 999 Exatfit belts from a UK source, I need some but I can wait :)
  9. Usually things in the UK from the USA end up costing the same in pounds than dollars so perhaps not enough margin in it for profit with such a small nice product? What would be a good price do you think for 999 Exatfit belts from a UK source, I need some but I can wait :)

    That's the 60,000 dollar question and no doubt what negotiations are centred around with this potential distributor.

    The Sandbar Composites guy did offer to get some belts sent over with his next order and estimated but didn't promise that they would be about £70.00 but that wouldn't have included postage to me. I never did establish if that included VAT or not. Even if it didn't it would be a great price though and I'm sure he's worth contacting if you don't mind being patient.
    Don't forget that the price in the States is the retail price and American dealers get them for trade, so there is a margin there already. Also, a distributor will get get them for even less and will make a margin on supplying them to dealers or a double margin if they supply them direct, which no doubt they would be doing, initially at least. So there should be no need to charge hugely more than the dollar price.
    Even if they did end up in pounds, what they cost in dollars in the States, that would still be a good price compared to Audi/Ducati prices though - about £100.00 as against £140. Let's hope though that they'll be cheaper than that and certainly no more.
  10. The positive point about any possible UK outlet would be that Ducati drop there prices, as the majority of people would still buy Ducati belts if competitively priced.
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  11. Let's hope it does have the effect of making Audi/Ducati think again about their pricing policy.

    I hope to be supporting the ExactFit supplier.
    I have great faith in Chris Kelley and his products, he is one of us - a Ducati nut - and whoever takes on the job of supplying them in the UK deserves our support, especially if they get their pricing right...
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