Brand New AGV Pista Carbon Fibre Black Helmet with box and all accessories, as well as brand new Blue Iridium mirror visor. This helmet has never been worn and was only taken out of the box to take photos. I bought this helmet recently because I was going to get back into bikes this year, but have decided I don't really have the time. These helmets are top of the range and incredibly light. The helmet RRP is £800 and the visors are another £80. I can post this, but would much prefer cash on collection due to the value and fragile nature of the helmet. I live in Buckinghamshire, but work in Bedford, so could deliver if you live on my way. No paypal please unless you are willing to pay the fees Looking for £599 - here is the link Welcome to eBay: Sign in
Cmc bikes have them for less than that at their outlet. Plain black were sub £500 last time I went up there
just tried to look and item removed. could be interested if right size but not at that price as like above i've seen em for less than that
Really - just looked at their website and they don't appear to stock AGV? Are you sure these were the carbon Pista and not the plain Corsa?
AGV PISTA CARBON FIBRE HELMET SIZE M/L 58/59CM NEW VR46 ROSSI *free dark visor* | eBay AGV Pista GP Plain Carbon Fibre Motorcycle Motorbike Race Helmet Size XL | eBay
Corsa helmets from cmc are from £335 and pista from £500. The corsa ones are on eBay actually as they had loads.
So the cheapest on ebay is £550, but is only available in size XL Next cheapest is £560 - more than happy to match this price.
Well as I have already stated above I am happy to match genuine advertised prices, so show me the advert and I will match it.
Try ringing the outlet at Chesterfield mate. They had a m/l in plain carbon at £500. I nearly bought it but decided to wait for a corsa in "Hands" colours to come up cheap at end of summer.
am away for the week but if you still got it next weekend we could talk but i would be more round the 450 mark
This is the corsa AGV Corsa Rossi Elements Motorcycle Helmet | eBay Like I said give the Chesterfield branch a call. They had loads of pista and corsa. I wanted a turtle corsa that's why I keep checking what they have whenever I pass by
having just bought the matt carbon project 46 agv pista i can highly recommend anyone thinking of this as it really is a fantastic helmet
Well it must have been a while ago because I spoke to them today and they only had a Medium in stock and they wanted £600 for it!
It was about 2 weeks ago..... I've no reason to make it up as I don't want a plain carbon pista. Did you call the outlet? It's next door to the main showroom and has the clearance deals. I was merely pointing out that you was wanting £600 for yours which is second hand but unused when u can walk into a shop and buy a new one for less.