Excessive wind ('uncledons' wings/wind deflectors)

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by chickenman, Aug 27, 2012.

  1. I’d like to share this with you (not the wind lol) and it may be familiar to some, as I’ve previously posted it on ducati.ms on the “Hiss Flaps” thread under my “uncledon” username.

    This is my version of CP’s “wings” made from 1.6 mm aluminium, and now with a 35 mm curve to match the fairing.
    They are fixed to the screen slide...not the fairing screws and they eliminate the buffeting by deflecting the rush of air from the nose cone, out and past my shoulders.

    I’m 5’11” and this is what I've tried so far…
    The stock screen fully up with my wing version…better, but still unacceptable.
    Added my home made Aztec style spacers… much better and acceptable, but I didn't like the unexpected sideways shoving from crosswinds, so I removed the spacers.
    No screen… totally different bike, much cleaner air and acceptable to me.

    So, with this in mind I cut the stock screen down by 5” and painted it black on the inside to match the black wings.
    The original fixing set up was not suitable for my wings so I sourced some black thumb screws and machined up some nuts from black acetal to replace the originals.
    With the screen and wings fixed together at the lowest position I’m very happy with the result…here’s some pics.





    Wings 2a.jpg
    #1 chickenman, Aug 27, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2015
    • Like Like x 6
  2. You could of course save money and stop eating sprouts:eek:...........................................................................................so I'm told:biggrin:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. Thanks for posting Don, as I said before VERY nice work :biggrin:
  4. Very nice Don, can you let me know if ever they go into production, I want to be first in the long line.
  5. There's another deflector/wing that's been in development for some time that will be going in to production (perspex or whatever screen manufacturers use).....from another Auzzie! - details coming soon ;-)
  6. Interesting. I can see there being a huge demand, especially if it actually works! Dark smoke or black please! :wink:
  7. I have a couple of test/prototype variations en route to me.....test results by the designer maker (DIY by an MTS12 owner at this stage) sound promising:
    Don's wings do look great in black, when CP posted the original idea I was thinking smoked or even clear so as not to change the front profile of the bike but I have to say the black wings do look good. As Don has said "gives very smooth clean air around me." so all looks promising.......of course there is bound to be differing degrees of effectiveness I guess for different people due to variables such as rider size, type of screen and so on.
    I hope to put Don and Robin in touch with one another to compare notes ;-)
  8. They do look great in black... I was originally thinking dark smoke... I suppose a black bike with dark smoke screen helps in that regard!

    But I'm very interested in this, and to hear how you get on with testing. I've the dark Smoke Puig sport screen coming, when the factory gets back from its holidays, but know that it won't be the cure. The "Holy Grail" is dealing with the airflow coming round the sides... Makes you wonder why the factory and/or aftermarket producers haven't cottoned onto this idea?!? I mean, there are similar things for the GS and Tenere from the factory! Anyway...
  9. I think you'll be pleased with the PUIG sport screen :D
    I fitted a Light Smoke PUIG Sport Screen for testing a while back - rode 180+ miles of varied country and fast 'A' roads including a spell on a private road :rolleyes: for testing at 3 digit speeds.
    No back to back testing with a stock screen as I used mine to make my own DIY sport/shorty....but I recall only too well how keen I was to ditch the standard screen because of buffeting and turbulence....my DIY shorty is a major improvement, windy obviously (good helmet [Shoei Qwest] and ear plugs a benefit;-) but good clean air flow.
    The PUIG short screen was better still, REALLY smooth air flow off it, NO turbulence or buffeting. I guess the 'double bubble' type shape of the screen helps.
    ('Buffeting - obviously you'll get some buffeting regardless of screen in certain conditions such as gusting cross winds or passing through a big truck 'wake')

    Fit was spot on.
    A big thumbs up from me :D

    PUIG Light Smoke Sport/Shorty Screen


    ....my DIY 'blacked out' sport/shorty

    I guess I'm a bit vain lol..........my DIY screen is going back on purely as I like the look :D
    I'd like to see photos of the Dark Tint PUIG please.....anyone?
  10. I'll post some when I get the screen...it might be a while though, as the expected date is mid October! Or it could be September... ;-) Erm, right. Ok then.

    In the meantime, if any other lucky so and so got one (I scoured high and low, and none were to be found!) then feel free to post photos...
  11. Aren't Puig Spanish? I had the impression that they were something to do with Alberto Puig, ex-racer and "guru" to Dani Pedrosa....of course that is probably complete rubbish, as it is based on something I think I saw somewhere, and can't be corroborated! Either way, yes, blooming long holidays! ;-)
  12. Yes Puig are Spannish, I suppose they can have such long holidays as their economy is performing so well..............and i'm waiting for a screen from them as well
  13. Just me being a dumbass!lol ......I know full well PUIG are Spanish, dealt direct with them so no excuse for the faux pas :blush:
  14. The Spaniards like big Siesta's in August especially with the Heat they have experienced this year!
  15. Me too Don, happy to buy a set, second in line?
  16. might be interested in a black set for my MTS-PP, keep us updated please, much appreciated.
  17. As above, I'll have a set if you make them.
  18. top work, looks very smart and would look good on all the colour options. keep us updated re production etc.:upyeah:
  19. did the thumb old thumb screws not work fella?
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