After all those man caves if anyone is interested check Kevin Mccloud out building his own log cabin Check out the gas lamps and what fuels them Kevin McCloud's Man Made Home - Episode Guide - Channel 4
Ahhh Kevin McCloud - with his "nodding dog" summaries....Grand designs hit rock bottom years its highpoint - the episode with the bloke who had the wreck on the breckon beacons, and rebuilt it himself with 2 builders....the low point.....some bloke who almost sprained his wrist writing cheques for someone else to do it....its shit now....just a case of whose got the most cash...not people doing stuff themselves...
I hate TV property shows. They are the scourge of professional builders. The country is now inundated with clients who think they can "project manage." Which means becoming an instant expert on architecture and construction by way of google and a bottle of wine then diving in with no schedule, no budget and no idea and blaming everyone except themselves eighteen months later when the money and the marriage have run out and the house isn't finished. Never mind the industry, its the clients that need regulating.
I like the episode with the container ship build, this irish guy designs his ver own house but more project manages the build.
This particular show is about him and some mates building a log cabin in his woods from oak trees he owns They use some old fashioned methods and he goes on the search for bio fuel for his gas lamps from waste in the sewers
He's a dirty fecker isn't he, I mean whats wrong with mains gas a nice cosy high rise. Thinks he's special that's his problem.