996 Poor Starting From Cold

Discussion in '748 / 916 / 996 / 998' started by gotland996, Mar 17, 2015.

  1. Hi All,

    I posted a thread a while back about my cold staring problems (996SPS 2001) and there has been a new development that I could do with some help with. If I unclip the big harness leading to the ECU and then re attach it, it fires up immediately. Its as if it is re-setting the unit if you catch my drift.If I don't it just turns over and wont start for ages.
    Any ideas on what might be causing this? Cheers!
  2. This might sound a bit daft but what is your start procedure? You're not saying you just keep the start button depressed until it hopefully leaps into life? The fuel pump prime is only any good for a few revolutions (3 or 4 seconds) you have to switch her off and on again, are you using the cold start button.
  3. Got one myself. Colds always bad, the fast start button seems to be the only way to tease it into life
    Also, the fuel injection needs about 10.5 volts to fire but the starter motor still spins it over ok down at 8 odd volts so be aware of that.
    And if you've got race plugs in they don't like the cold either. I only recently found I should start it on hotter plugs then put the race plugs in.
    Cleaning all the earth and starter motor terminals helps too.
    I know none of this is to do with the ECU harness but all tips I've picked up over the years.
    To rule out the harness plug, try 'reseting' it by disconnecting the battery and refitting. I'm presuming the pins are all clean in the connector too.
  4. Hi , No I just prod it for a few of seconds with the fast idle button depressed. Absolute pig to start unless I detach the ECU harness then plug it back in again, Iv only just discovered this. Done numerous checks, including new fuel filter, upgraded with a new battery (Gel) water temp sensor (changed ) crank position sensor (changed) upgraded the earth wiring (inc to the starter motor) new plugs, cleaned injectors, checked and cleaned all the connector blocks including the wiring behind the battery holder. I even filled it up with super un-leaded in utter desperation! I have another 996 which I brought new in 1998 which although can be sluggish never gives me these problems. I know the SPS is a higher comp motor, but it should start better than it does. Iv also owned a 748SP and a 749 in the past so I know what it should be doing. It turns over and only catches when I have lost the will to live and am about to wheel it back into the garden (or set fire to it). So frustrating. Thanks for your interest.
  5. It's not your sprag clutch is it? I've replaced mine in the last couple of weeks. As I said mines never been great cold. Then the other week I noticed the starter motor was spinning, but the engine was not turning over. It got to TDC then even with the starter still going the engine would turn no more.
  6. God I hope not, once it starts is good for the rest of the day and starts first prod if I stop and start again. Its just the initial cold start that is the problem. its a good point though Im out on it again next week and Ill check that the motor is actually turning when I try and fire it up, thanks!
  7. Before mine got so bad it wouldn't turn over it did the same . Getting that first start was a nightmare but one warmed up, first prod of the button had it jump into life.
    I did have a fair few moments of the starter engaging, then disengaging but still spinning if you understand. So if you're not getting that happen I've not doubt worried you for nothing.
    FWIW I fixed my sprang for £5!
  8. How old is the fuel filter? Geoff Baines once told me that it was often an underappreciated cause of poor starting, and I'm convinced my SS started better after an old one was replaced.
  9. Hi, Yes Iv just replaced the filter, thanks
  10. Hi, Im I right in thinking that if the clutch spins when I press the starter then all is well with the Sprag? Cheers
  11. Yeah. If it's just rocking back and forwards then the sprag spring is knackered and waiting for a day to fail. If spinning like normal just not starting then it's something else. Hard to say if that's a good or bad thing.
    Mine improved just by cleaning plugs, lead terminals etc. But I never found something I could just unplug, replace and have it start.
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