Clarksons At It Again!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by triari, Mar 10, 2015.

  1. Chris Evans is, basically, a smug twonk who is on a totally different planet to JC when it comes to being irritating...
    I've never heard JC twittering on about "ohhh, poor little me... I can't decide if I should spend half a million quid on buying Ferrari's old race truck from the Schumacher era... What is a poor little millionaire to do?".
    JC has got where he is by being entertaining and, occasionaly, irritating or controversial. Evans, according to what seems like everyone who has ever worked with him, got where he is by walking over other people. He completely f**ked up Virgin Radio, and I'm sure he would f**k up Top Gear too...
  2. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and most of us have just that.
    JC probably has more haters than followers, im not sure the same can be said of CE.
    Plus CE does quite a bit for charity, JC? But then thats just my opinion.
    I think the charm of JC is that he acts like most of us would if void of morals and consequence for our actions.
  3. JC is a Patron of "Help for Heroes". I don't know how much he does, or how much he stumps up, but that's a private matter I think.

    Jeremy Clarkson Visits Wounded Heroes to Support Hero Ride
  4. I think you may have your CEs and your JCs exactly the wrong way round there.
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  5. I think you'll find more people watch Top Gear worldwide than anything Chris Evans has ever done...
    220 million was one estimate I saw...
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  6. "doesn't change anything, does it?"
    Maybe not; but it does prove he supports a very worthy charity...
  7. whats that got to do with evans replacing clarkson? its the format of the show, and all the presenters that make the show. Yes, clarkson is a major contributer, but that is irrelevant to your argument, or has it changed?
    I was stating what I thought, you stated what you thought, but now youre going of on a tangent.
    As I said, we all have our own opinions, thats what the forum is about in my opinion (see what I did there?) but in this instance, my opinion is right, and yours is wrong :p
    And what exactly are you implying with your avitar? are you condoning the offence clarkson inflicted, or just another fan trying to bring back the dinosaur?
  8. I like JC he speaks his mind, and says things a lot of other people haven't got the balls to say, yes he's Dinousaur, but still likes to burn rubber
  9. Having been a member on here for a few years and been a senior member I left and come back there is only 1 person always right. That's pete1950, or is it andyb? Bradders always has a valid point, certain members are always wrong and et is the oracle. Or is it rob? Nope the deciding vote goes to finm finm and his italian love is the new jc. Finm for the new jc.
    #251 Hirsute Wraith, Mar 18, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2015
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  10. Well things change, ive taken over from pete, he's only right sometimes now, instead of always, you know nothing ever stays the same, so deal with it. Things have moved on since you were last here.
    I may look fat, but look again, im very thin. And blue, Grrrrrrrrr
  11. Flatfish - my avatar is simply stating a fact.
    You said "JC probably has more haters than followers" - I'm just saying a lot of people like his programme.
  12. And a lot of people like Evans on radio 2 :Woot:
    Evans, Evans, Evans, Evans, Evans, Evans, Evans, Evans, Evans, Evans, Evans, Evans
  13. I like Chris Evans I don't see him as a needy vacuous celeb I have seen how hard he has worked to engage with others seen how hard comparitively he had it as opposed to jc, and he ain't jc.
  14. JC? we talking the Messiah here John Cleese ?
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  15. Nope it's deffo the 2nd coming, not the messiah just a v naughty boy.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. One of my favourite all time lines from a film that is.
  17. "Infamy, infamy! They've all got it in for me!" J.C.
  18. Errrrr wasn't that KW "carry on Cleopatra" :)
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