I have a Remus that has been on the bike for a couple of years. I would like to take the baffle out, but even with the grub screw removed it won't budge. Any ideas? Secondly - does the ECU need re-setting with a Remus? I assumed not ... Thanks
I used a pair of pliers and wiggled it out - better to try when hot Mine ran much better with it out - and I ran it for months before flashing the ECU with the OFT It was a touch lean but nothing dangerous - (checked on a dyno before flashing )
I don't have the Remus but my termi's had a similar problem, if you can clamp on a set of pilers or mole grips and then pull while tapping the pliers/grips with a hammer, keep going and they will shift. Get em' out and file any sharp edges off and such to make it easy next time.
Take the can off, stick a broom handle in the other end and gently push it out by tapping the broom handle against the ground.
Took the end can off ( 5 mins), wooden hammer down the inside, tapped it out ... Took about 10 mins in total, and that included fitting the end can back on ... Dunno why I didn't think of it before sounds way better now ... Do they need a remap?
hi did you have the short termi ? if so how do you remove them ? just got some and can,t figure out how to remove them