It's an interesting point: If you removed all the tits, nationalist, religion and motorbike posts on here, this forum would be empty.
i agree.. I love ducs which is why i joined here and it is a mine of information and source of inspiration but most technical questions have (gratefully) been answered at some point and a search (if you can work out how to use) will tell you what you need.. So it would be very grim if there was no banter and the odd tiff... Most would only visit when needing help which is cool but its nice that its alive when they do i think.
@chisel your languishing somewhat, I think that £10 is as good as in the bank :Wideyed: I scraped in with a 10th equal
just looked a the table.. how do you get 10th? there is only 3 higher points than you 9,5,4 and youre on 3 so i would have said your 4th equal and im 5th equal or am i missing somthing
Keep forgetting you misspelled your name @chisel Left had column shows your position. I'm 10th equal as there is others with the same score and 9 ahead all the ones with 3 points Tomorrow you are going down
ahhh that makes sense (the points thing) simple really... but then you still have the 4th highest points scored
How's yer Chumps @chizel :Wideyed: I'm up to 6th but will loose out on the Moto GP element of my team
errrr im errrr mid pack (ish) (or slightly lower) lowes will make good over the season i think... Marquez may net me a few points though but as the super bikes have twice the races i may be a lil behind the 8 ball. should be double points in gp i feel.. luckily im not fiercely competitive or i would be a lil pissed and wanting to bail out:Banghead: