I'm Thinking Of Turning Pikey.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 19, 2015.

  1. License to kill:upyeah:

    Other than that, car, bike, forklift, mowing machine. Whatever...no license will stop me getting what I want, if I need a special license I'll get it. It's the very least of my worries.
  2. Good stuff; the T-Living site may be hippy orientated but its got vast wealth of people who live on the road/water & they've done many builds plus lots from around the world (insurance sites links also). The E-portal forums have the most expensive RV/motorhomes from around the world. Again vast wealth of knowledge & you get too read other peoples mistakes rather than making them yourself.

    Get a C2-license because anything decent is over 7.5ton.
  4. Go on then, show me.

    • Useful Useful x 1
  5. I'd love to live in france, is this an invite & help to learn french language?

    I'm passionately into green-living & alternative power systems & have thought about spending time traveling doing Help Exchange: free volunteer work exchange abroad Australia New Zealand Canada Europe style work. The fraudulent uk-elite & tax-heaven based antics are literally grinding me in. Which is why two-years ago i switched & removed the TV from my life. Enough of that negative programming machine making me furious with how the old-boys club are legal-criminals..

    Oh dear, I'm about too start ranting!
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Sold my dads farm house in Brittany for €24,000 in 2012 needed finishing but was a great rural retreat. So for £30k you could have a spectacular french farm house. Only 1 problem.
  7. Yeah, the commute to London...
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. deffo. ;):smile:
  9. Roof-mounted air con is not that expensive nowadays,and if you spend a little more you can get one to run off 240v or 24v.A cheaper alternative is a cab cooler:they are a high speed fan that blows a very fine water mist into the living space.(You see them on a lot of trucks etc in Spain/Italy etc ).You'd have to top up the water tank every now and then but they use very little power and are great for overnight/engine off cooling.
    Buy a mag called Coach Mart for plenty of info/used coaches/buses.
    If you can run to it,(and get yourself a class C licence),buy and old rock and roll tour bus...all the fun of the fair for not much dosh
  10. Sorry, forgot to turn caps lock off.:Facepalm:
  11. Lightning, aircon is not an issue, its what I do for a living. I'll certainly check out coach mart though, thanks.
  12. Yes, emigrate to France. Bound to be work to do.
  13. Hi figaro, mate of mine has converted a Bedford army truck as a long haul traveller and is in the process of relocating to wales via a tour of Africa which he used to do for a living (driving punters around for Exodus). He's building the whole sustainable lifestyle thing on a small holding in wales including solar powered this and composting that......

    Now he's a dedicated scrimper and it's taking some time to pull off, from what I know it's a £300k plan involving lots of hard graft growing food. He has a part time girlfriend who co owns the small holding.

    It's all doable, but exiting society takes balls, cash and determination.

    I'll gladly put you in touch with him if you like. He's a clear thinker for sure.
  14. Ah....what do you do?
  15. Evaporative cooling in a confined space isn't a great idea, but figs knows that.
  16. Dude, you work in aircon and ride a ducati!
    This means you should have more money than sense....what happened?
  17. Can I ask why?
    As stated they are very popular in Europe,and a truck cab is a very confined space.
    Only experienced them very briefly myself,but not had any issues
  18. I'm not after exiting society, and I'm not nor ever will be an eco warrior. It's a financial thing more than anything; I'm in my 50's now and I don't have a pension, so if I can find a way to make the money go further in the future I want to start looking into it now. I've been looking into solar/battery power for the house, but then thought why not get rid of the house...

    Unfortunately I worked for a Ducati-riding air con engineer, and he took all the money...
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. Fig if you have own your home, would it be better once your up and running to rent it out then your mortgage is being paid you still have equity and if you ever decide too you can then sell it? I know of several friends who have done this and retired to Spain renting knowing they have the house to fall back on.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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