What's the best approach for an engine build? For those that have done this, did you use a bespoke 'jig' of some sort?
I have an engine stand which mounts the engine fully and allows it to be turned any way it needs to be. Each side plate comes away individually so that the cases can be worked on or the side cases removed.
I knocked up a simple jig to hold the cases and put castors on it so it is easy to work from one side to the another. I also made a jig out off some flat sheet with dowells to support the rightside half engine casing flat to make it easy to install crank and gearbox, then just offer over left case and Bob's yer uncle. can't find a pic but worked a treat.
Very nice and great for working on the bench with the engine. I use two tool dollys to house my tools when working on my engine. The plus point is that I can wheel my engine out of the way when doing other things. Nice simple and positive job on the fabrication though, food for thought in my case.