Yeh I'm gonna put it behind me now for sure. It's £34 at end of day but more a relationship killer which is what I didn't want if I'm honest as I like the dealer. I never expect stuff for free and always pay whatever the job costs. But nobody likes to feel like they have had a bad experience
Why don't you write them a letter. Tell them that you aren't happy about the second bill, that it should have been sorted as part of the service. And tell them that their reputation is sullied because of it - you couldn't possibly recommend them to anyone else based on your experience. I reckon you'll get a refund by return post.
I've spoke of my concern on the phone so it's definitely known. I'm not after a refund now if I'm honest it was more to see if I was correct in feeling a bit sour about it. Some good point though mate. Sometimes it helps to just get others opinions too.
If i took a bike in for a service without an oil leak, and it came back with one, I'd be pretty pissed off about it. I'd be even more miffed if I knew that the leaking part had been touched during the service. My view would be that shit happens and you don't expect mechanics to never make mistakes, but that you don't really see why you should pay for them. You'd expect the oil leak to have been found by them during their shake down run (which I expect my garage to perform, post service). I'd point out that you are disappointed to have been billed extra to fix a problem that you didn't initially have. Sure there are coincidences, but there are also probabilities. The alternative is to just swallow the cost if you really like the garage and think that pointing out the above will annoy them to the extent of your no longer being able to go there. But honestly, for £34, they shouldn't have dared imperil their relationship with a valued customer by charging you for it.
I reckon they have disturbed the sealing washer when they have moved the cooler out of the way.they moved it out of the way because they couldnt be arsed to remove the cooler.They did it.£34 or£340.It doesnt matter.Its the principal.Phone them,tell them its pissed you off and that you will take your bike elsewhere.Then shit through the letterbox.
The dealer is well out of order IMO, for all the reasons articulated by the previous posts. Personally I think it would be a service to others to warn them of the dealers blatant disregard for customers by naming them.
Yes I think the seal has been comprised in some way. Just way too much of a co-incidence in my eyes. I'm no mechanic so I'm only going on what I've been told by others.
Dealers fault; they should fix it for free IMHO, as it wasn't broken before they touched it. I had a similar issue with my BMW car. garage picked it up to do a free service, then tried to charge me to fix the puncture that it didn't have when I parked it up. I stood my ground and they fixed it for free...
I guess they have to find petrol money from somewhere Try not to stress you have told them how you feel If you go back there insist on staying and standing by the bike till it's done I would have fixed as a goodwill gesture Glad they can sleep at night
Revenge is sweet. Whether that the punch in the face route, the never go back or recommend to anyone, or the drop a bike in the showroom and sue the bastard for personal injury. Don't get mad, get even. Sometimes naming and shaming can help. If you then hear a lot of similar stories you know not to back, if there's nothing but praise for them then you could look on it as someone having their own bad day and not to let it ruin what was a good relationship.