You are just trying to make us jealous arn't you? But then you do have to live in the US to get those prices, sorry to say I would rather live here.
its a joke ,i did down size my car from a 2 litre to a 1.5 ,and will now use the bike as much as possible ,,might get a pushbike soon at this rate
They'll just tax the air in the air compressors to inflate the tyre's to re-coupe the revenue....We can't win!
Can you bring some back? Like a tankerful?.............Filter the sand out first though........I have had enough of s*dding about with my carbs. AL
Not only are we heading for £1.50 / £1.60 a litre the tanker drivers threaten a strike and the petrol stations around Ipswich have been running out of fuel WTF is going on in this country....!
As the end of March and the 5th of April is fast approaching, perhaps the Govt have encouraged the strike by announcing the Army are ready to deliver, top up your tanks, and keep a can at home (ie create a panic).....that way sales of petrol rocket before the end of the financial year and makes the economy look better.............Oh, and more revenue is collected. AL.