1200 Is It Or Isn't It An Ohlins Scu....

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by AndyW, Mar 27, 2015.

  1. ...semi-active suspension control unit?

    Unusual question fired at me that I'm unsure of the answer. Guy has two ECU/SCU's but not sure which is the upgrade semi-active suspension control unit - neither have ID/barcode stickers on them.
    One does have the Ohlins logo embossed on the front the other doesn't.
    Is there any way in the Dash setup/settings to know which unit is installed? (can't recall from when I fitted one)

  2. SCU has more compression/rebound numbers from memory versus the original on the dash settings.

    Just checked the book - SCU fitted you should have 32 steps in the compression and rebound
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  3. Just checked the Owners Handbook for the OEM setup...............setting steps 1 to 32

    ....so the same for OEM and upgrade SCU?
  5. ...did you mean to say something in response? :confused:

    EDIT: ignore......got your email :D
  6. 18 stanq

    Yes mate I did and here it is. Straight from the Ohlins manual.

    That said, here's a tip. Just set all to '0' in all modes and all susp' settings as the manual says after installation of the Ohlins.

    Let the SCU do its stuff.

    SCU settings.jpg
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  7. Yep original OEM was 16 steps and the upgraded mechatronic is 32 steps.
    Set to 0 for automatic damping on compression and reblund?.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  8. Reblund? Has bradders taken over your old account?
  9. Thanks guys..........surely set rebound and compression to '1' for SCU auto mode ;-)

    Maybe I'm being stupid?!......

    Marty - I did see that and didn't make sense of the chart - it says 18-32 'new' but OEM shows 18 - 32?? :huh!:

    Paul - The Owners Manual for the OEM setup refers to settings 1 - 32 but you say there are just 16 steps?
  10. No you are right Andy, sorry I misunderstood that table also.
    Both have up to 32 steps on the settings, difference is that setting 17 when the SCU is fitted is equivalent to the OEM step 32 - so it can go softer still.

    I can't see anything menu wise to identify the SCU is fitted. Only way to check them is the physical look of them:
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  11. Unit pictured in the left is the OEM unit.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  12. I get it now :D .......and thanks for the photo/visual ID :D
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