Broken Bleed Nipple

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by Cream_Revenge, Mar 29, 2015.

  1. To cut a long story with plenty of excuses short I've managed to snap off the bleed nipple on my front brake master cylinder :Banghead:. Everything was done, all nicely bleed top and bottom and I was using the torque wrench and snap :Banghead::Banghead:. I have tapped in a Torx bit to try to unscrew but the tip of that has now snapped off in the bleed nipple :Banghead::Banghead::Banghead:. Currently thinking of throwing the torque wrench in the bin as I noticed a few days before it didn't agree with my other wrench but as this was newer assumed it was more accurate:Banghead::Banghead::Banghead::Banghead:.

    Now, moving on, I know to bleed the brakes again I'm going to need to get the old bleed nipple out and have already ordered a set of easyouts and left hand drill bits. Worse case, it is a second hand master cylinder.

    Question is, am I OK to ride until the autumn like this when I can strip it down and fix it? I can't think of an issue unless it starts to weep and as it is so tight I can't really see that happening.

    Be nice.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. You twat! :Mooning:

    I've only done that once as well...

    I've no advice, other than if its not weeping and your brakes are fine......fill in the rest yourself.
  3. I would suggest removing the caliper and having it spark eroded or buy a new one. if the nipple is fully closed off it should be quite safe.

    The question I would ask myself is "do you want to gamble with your life?" , after all it is brakes we are talking about and a failure could be nasty. I hope that comment does not appear over the top but there are chances you take and ones you don't need (to).

    Ultimately it is your call so you must decide. Having had a full on brake failure on a track day when the pads overheated it is quite worrying!!!

    Left hand drills and easyouts are not going to work, in my estimation, as they are trying to drill or remove a very hard material. You would need a cobalt drill or something tougher to get through a torx bit if it is half decent.

    Good luck.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. I'm very annoyed at my torque wrench.

    I'm annoyed with myself for trusting the torque wrench when it felt wrong to keep going, but that's the point of the bloody things!

    I'm annoyed because I was finished and all was good. I had left it overnight with no weeping and even had a zip tie round the brake lever for a few hours but my new adapter turned up so wanted to check the torque was right.

    I'm annoyed I stuffed a Torx bit down it as that's going to make getting the valve out much harder.

    I'm generally very annoyed.

    Surely if the end is snapped off it makes no difference to the safety of the brakes? If its in its in?

    What I don't want to do is take it all apart Easter Friday, find out I can't get the bleed valve out, have to order a new master cylinder (HOW MUCH!) and not get to ride all Easter weekend if it is safe.

    However, if my brakes fail I'm going to be really annoyed with myself if I leave this world early over £80, an hours work and some more DOT5.1.

    Very fricking irritated.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. PS, yes, I'm a twat.
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  6. PPS, cheap crap Torx bit hence it snapping.
  7. Just one question springs to mind: are you annoyed with yourself at all :)
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  8. VERY much so.

    I'm also very gutted.

    Not angry though, not sure why.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. Why on earth would you use a torq wrench on a bleed nipple?!
    • Agree Agree x 3
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Nothing's ever simple with you Creamy, your a f'kin diamond mate :rolleyes: :D
    • Agree Agree x 2
  11. it will be fine.
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  12. Yep, I know, it was fine with the 8mm ring spanner. BUT, I wanted to do it right and Haynes had a torque setting so I tried to set it to the torque setting.
    Don't I picking know it.

    This happened Friday lunchtime, I have not been able to bring myself to mention it to anyone till now apart from the nice man at MotoRapido who quoted me for the new unit ("you may want to sit down Sir"). The wife keeps asking why I'm so distant this weekend.
  13. just out of interest what was the torque figure .
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. Top of my head 12nm but would need to check TFM again,
  15. Ha ha Haynes bet it was 120 Nm :D
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  16. Front left calpier, click, front right caliper, click, master cylinder, no click. "Hhhummm, that feels quite tight, surely it should click". So, check again, front right caliper, click, master cylinder, snap. :Banghead:.
  17. Only good thing is andyb isn't around at the moment.
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  18. Lets summon him: @andyb :)
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  19. it may have been compromised already and tightening it again was the final straw.

    I am sure it would be safe but it is down to your feel for what the score is.

    Been there myself in the past and I am sure others have as well.

    As mentioned spark erosion should work and not be £80 I doubt.
  20. There is an engineering place up the road so I might pop in next fine day and say hello.

    I'd like to drag it out to autumn though as don't want to put her off the road.

    Maybe I will just go for a little pootle round town and see what my guts tell me.
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