899 poor imitation of the real deal........ and the r8 isn't that a copy of a lambo..... just saying...
Does that make you feel somehow superior? Why even say it in the first place, or is your choice the one everyone should have? Imitation of what?, the 1199? Is that as it was first?, then is the 1299 an imitation of the 899 as that's the order they came in? if not then that makes the 1199 a.... (Refer to your leading point) Just saying...
the 899 is a cheap version of the 1199...............you managing to comprehend that so far... the Audi r8 is a cheap gallardo.......still there.......
How? Your reasoning is flawed A cheaper version would have to be a comparable to start. They are two completely different engine variants. Had you have said a 1299 is a cheaper version of a 1299s then you may have started to appear credible, but you didn't so your....
Triari nevermind andyb by his reckoning we should all be riding driving the most expensive vehicles we can, not what is the most suitable or desirable to ourselves. Unfortunately like all walks of life there are twats everywhere you go even on this forum