When I go into Parts, Accessories For Sale there's no POST NEW THREAD option on the top right of page ? You're all missing out on a nice pair of bar end mirrors !!
Yep, can't see it either and I have this odd banner that says there has been some problem publishing your share, click here to try again or dismiss. What ? I know I've been missing out on my share for years and I don't need to be reminded :Arghh:. Andy
at the very bottom of that section theres a small line that says "You have insufficient privileges to post here." so you need to be privileged in some way obviously,be a banker or high earner,politician etc i expect :Hilarious:
The forum is telling you that you haven't set up links to your FaceBook account. This means that people on the forum cannot see what a dickhead one is being generally, and people in general cannot see what a dickhead one is being on the forum. As for insufficient posting privileges ... only @Exige has permission to sell anything on the forum these days
Stick it on PistonHeads............You will get a better price than you would from any of the stingy gits on here
Sorry guys my fault. We have tried to put a system in place to only allow people to advertise for sale items that have over 10 posts, to avoid the for sale spammers that we've seen. Seems I've made an error that I need to look at. Cheers for the heads up. Rob.
My mate has sold three bikes and two cars in the last year at prices way above what he expected....so who gives a toss at the small cost?