Must. Read. Description.

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by figaro, Mar 24, 2012.

  1. I'm such a pillock. Spotted a Leo Vince can on fleabay, so whacked a bid on it without even reading the description. Hey ho...I'm now the proud owner of a standard can with Leo Vince stickers on it...

    I'll be firing up the dremel soon to try to make my £15 investment sound like a decent can. Anyone here ever gutted a Multi can..?
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  2. Haha, Figaro, we have all done it!! I am interested in how you get on gutting it, if you do. I keep looking for a cheap standard can to gut, missed your one!! I wonder if you were to decat the cat, degut the pipe, how would the bike run and sound, be an improvement at a lot less money possibly. Keep us posted!!
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  3. You might be in luck; a guy has just contacted me on to say he's got one already gutted but in need of putting back together, so I'll be offloading the other one as soon as I get it. I'll pm you when it arrives.
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  4. Thanks Figaro, yes please to offer, I love the look of the original but want to improve the sound mainly.
  5. Same as me. I'm not interested in spending a fortune on Termis for a couple of bhp, and it's too much to pay for just the sound. So attacking the standard can with an angle grinder is the only option for me.
  6. i don't understand what you intend to do to the stock tail pipe.......there's bugger all silencing/restriction from the tail pipe, it's all done in the CAT. Try running the bike with the tail pipe removed from the CAT box....barely sounds any different.

    I think it was on (but may have been Ducatisti :mad:) - a post with photos showing a CAT box being gutted.
    If anyone wants a CAT box for a gutting project PM me ;-)
  7. Yes, but running decat pipes with the standard silencer makes bugger all difference to performance. I know, because that's exactly what I've got. If you want performance you've got to go down the full system/filter/PC route. That ain't what I'm after, I'm after a fruitier noise, the cheapest way possible. Blimey, I've got to give the local race rep boys a chance, they can't keep up with me as it is...
  8. Ah, Stevie, I've just noticed you've got a 1200S, I'm talking about the earlier aircooled multi.
  9. Oh well Figaro, was worth a shout!!
    Andy, surely there is some form of noise deadening going on? I havent tried the bike with the silencer off, just imagined there would have to be something in there!!
  10. Oops crossed wires..........I was talking 1200 as well :D
    (Just suggested to Rob that the default for the User details dropdown under Avatars should be bike owned:)

    Is this the discussion you were referring to? :: Log in

    ....this is handy:
    Multistrada Muffler Mod
  11. Believe me, if I had 15K to spend on a new bike I wouldn't be buggering about with an ebay exhaust and a brazing kit...:biggrin:
  12. lol ..........on the other hand you might have been one of the few penniless owners like moi who just likes a bit of ingenuity / DIY :biggrin: (some irony in the story of my ownership of the MTS12.......pot of money from bike crash compensation!)

    Post the story of what you end up doing with some photos.....I'll be interested ;-)
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