1299 1299 Delivery

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by flipper, Apr 17, 2015.

  1. Hi
    Can any of you guys tell me if there are any delivery delays with the 1299 or is everyone getting them on time as promised ? Any feed back would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  2. Would imagine it would depend when your order was placed really. I ordered my R in December and have had it 3 weeks.
    Have noted several others with Rs got theirs about the same time, so think they came first. But the S models have started dropping in all over if you look at the Ducati1299.com forum.
  3. My base should've been at the dealer Tuesday or Wednesday, but only arrived today, it'll be ready for me to pick up tomorrow :))
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  4. Got mine 2 weeks early than told , 700 miles on now
  5. Thanks guys. Ordered my S 6th of Feb. promised an early April possible late March delivery. Now told May. Just a bit pissed atm my 1199S was quoted same delivery date 2012 but I didn't get it until 26 June. Did you ever feel it coming at you :Banghead:
  6. Got my base 1299 today happy boy! UK by the way.
  7. Had mine nearly 3 weeks now got it early , serviced and 1000 miles on it now
  8. Thanks again guys, just trying to get an idea in case I need to ramp up the pressure at the end of this month.
  9. Another delivery date promise has come and gone. Sick and tired of the lies and bullshit :Banghead: It's just so disrespectful.
    Just totted up my spend with Ducati over the last number of years including bikes, accessories, clothing, DRE's etc etc heading on for 100,000 euros, do any of you guy's know the actual figure before you become an important customer ? Will I become one if I go over the 100k ?
    #9 flipper, Apr 30, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2015
  10. Sorry guy's update from original post. I was told last week bike would be here in 3 working days, which would obviously mean the bike was crated with my name on and on the way, now told it will be 3 working days :Bored:.
    You'd think I'd know better, 2007 I ordered a black 1098S, ended up with a red demo, 2012 went through same saga as now 3 months of broken promises. First world problems I know but......
  11. Also anyone know what I can use to get the "dickhead" stamp cleaned off my forehead ?? I think it may be giving me away.
    #11 flipper, Apr 30, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2015
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  12. ...a 12' is incoming with your name on it. I don't think anyone sane would call you a dickhead bud.
  13. My dealer went out of the way to speed my 899 delivery last year. Guess it's your dealer not being honest. Perhaps you need to look for a different dealer for future inc. servicing? If anyone is a dickhead it's your dealer.... Massive B'ends!
  14. Actually just thinking. Went to a McDonalds with the Minister yesterday (I know how to show her a good time :Happy:) Had to wait a few minutes for a chicken sandwich and got a free portion of fries by way of an apology for the delay and that's on a 14 euro spend..........now if only I could convince McDonald's to sell Ducati's ;)
    • Funny Funny x 2
  15. whats to stop you buying it in the UK ?
  16. Actually had brokered a deal in the UK, local dealer more or less matched it so thought it would be less hassle all round. Then the arse fell out of the euro so that sealed the deal.

    I have had it confirmed by a guy in Ducati UK that my bike is indeed on the way and will be here next week.
    Took him all of 10 minutes to check it out. 3 days later and still waiting for Ducati customer service to get back to me. Used to think they were on the ball going off previous experiences, but obviously when it's an actual complaint they're no where to be found. Thought they prided themselves on looking after their customers, Ducati family and all that, maybe Audi have brought the wrong values to the party. They should send them to work in a McDonalds for a while might learn how to treat a customer.
  17. Guess what lads .................. another delivery date promise comes and goes. Oh I feel so special :upyeah: though I'm not sure that warm gooey feeling inside might only be the irritable bowel syndrome I'm developing.
    Don't want all you UK customers getting all jealous but while you guys get DDA, DQS, ABS, DTC etc. here in Ireland we get all those and IBS, bet you wish you were us huh! huh!
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  18. Will be a nice Christmas present. Sometimes those that shout loudest.
  19. In my experience of the motor trade those that shout get more delays, car trade it's very common
  20. IBS - Irritable Bowel Syndrome

    That must be the waiting around .. :)

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