Ventureshield Products

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Lone Wolf, Apr 20, 2015.

  1. Yes

  2. No

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  1. Morning all,

    In an attempt to protect the bike as much as I can when I purchase it, I am thinking Ventureshield may be a worthwhile investment.

    My question is, how does the product look when fitted? Does the plastic film stand out a mile away?

    I do not want to purchase a product if it looks like crap when installed. If anyone has any pictures of ventureshield fitted, it would be most appreciated.
  2. Pm the @Count as he has had a few done.
    I believe they are good, but you need a good fitter.
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  3. Unless you have the eyes of a Hawk you would be hard pressed to see if Ventureshield had been applied .it certainly is not a crap product-you are of course reliant on the installer being proficient in applying the product.
    Perhaps see if you can view a bike that has been done at the dealer where you are buying your new bike.
    #3 mervyn, Apr 20, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2015
  4. I have it on my Panigale. Apart from a very small blemish that I know about it's all good :upyeah:
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  5. Other makes are available?
  6. El Toro, is there any chance you could upload a few close up pictures?

    By the sound sof it, you guys rate it very well. I thought I better ask from people with experience.
  7. Not sure that these help but they're the best I have available atm.

    2014-07-28 16.57.17 (2).jpg

    2014-05-04 10.35.42 (2).jpg
  8. Thanks El-Toro

    Looks darn shiny there mate. Did the bike recieve a special cleaning treatment before applying the ventureshield?
  9. Had my 899 done by Russell @ Invisible patterns in Warrington . Very knowledgeable and bike mad. Would be virtually impossible to take close ups because you cant really see it. You can normally only make out the edges on close inspection. It is normally available as a part kit ( protecting the front, tank, belly pan & rear) or sometimes a full kit. The paint on the 899 scratches by looking at it so I definitely think its worth it.
    'Protecting future value' is just one element IMO ( and possibly no guarantee of a higher residual) , riding a scratch/blemish/stone chip free bike during ownership is priceless. Suppose it depends how precious you are, we all keep our bikes to our own standards...
  10. The panigale kit has lots of parts so be aware of that if you are fitting it yourself. Well worth having especially if you ride with others in front of you, stops lots of stone chips on the front.

    I have fitted quite a few kits and they are a bit awkward to do. You have to make sure that you keep your hands soaked or you will get fingerprints. Lots of patience as well.

    I would say you cannot see it most of the time, a little more noticeable on the tank edges depending on the light but better than scratches.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. No idea. I think mine was done by the guy in Warrington too. But there again I may have dreamt that ;)
  12. Mine was applied by the supplying of the technicians there is an ace installer of this stuff.I would always have it fitted on any new bike.
  13. Ventureshield is very good. I had my 1098 SF done and it is barely noticeable.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
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  14. I've got one sitting in the garage but havn't got around to fitting it. Might have been a good idea to fit it when the bike was new before going 3500 miles around Europe!!
  15. Guys thanks for your comments. It seems it is a worth while investment, and I would hate to invest all that money in purchasing the bike, to then skimp on a further couple hundred that will protect the paint.
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  16. #16 Rob, Apr 20, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2015
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  17. IMO , on a used bike, light scrathches/blemishes look better/invisible after installation, stone chips look a little worse ( little pocket of air where the film meets the chipped area). However you will protect against future paint damage so its personal choice.
  18. Cool, dont think I have any stone chips although that might turn out to be wishful thinking on closer examination. Most of my fairings are spare ones that I bought for the track anyhow and the originals are stashed in the garage, but I could do with protecting the nose, tank and tail from any marks.
  19. You won't get anything for the top of the tank but should get the scalloped knee bits covered.
  20. Incorrect. I have VentureShield on the top of my tank too.
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